Reflexivity: an important aspect of design education

M. Duineveld , R. Beunen , K.A.M. van Assche
Conference of ISOMUL and CELA on Landscape Legacy; Landscape Architecture and Planning between Art and Science, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 12-14 May 2010 113 -113

Track 9: Land-Use and Transport Planning; Regional road networks in planning of metropolitan landscapes

C.F. Jaarsma , R. Beunen
Metropolitan Planning and Environmental Issues; Book of Abstracts 206 -207

Implementation of rural road safety schemes: lessons from the Netherlands

C.F. Jaarsma , R. Beunen , H.J. Kooij
Transport Research Arena Europe 2008; Greener, Safer and Smarter Road Transport for Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21-24 April 2008 248 -248

Implementation and integration of EU environmental policies, cutting the gordian knot of EU environmental directives

R. Beunen , W. van der Knaap
Planning for the Risk Society. Dealing with Uncertainty, Challenging the Future. Abstracts, XXI AESOP Conference, Napoli, Italy, 11-14 July 2007 227 -227

Reflection on planning practices: an important aspect of planning education

R. Beunen , J. Neuvel , J. Hagens
Planning for the Risk Society. Dealing with Uncertainty, Challenging the Future. Abstracts 55 -55

Verkennende studie evaluatiekader voor Rijksnatuurvisie en/of uitvoeringsagenda : Tussenrapportage WOT-04-011-036.76

R. Beunen , R. During , F.A. Geerling-Eiff , M. Pleijte
WOT Natuur en Milieu

Een kerngezonde dood : Absolutisme, reductionisme en depolitisering in het denken over ruimte en gezondheid

M. Duineveld , R. Beunen
Stedebouw en Ruimtelijke Ordening 97 ( 1) 24 -28

Op pad met... Jolanda van Hasselt in Zundert : themanummer over kennisco-creatie in wetenschapswinkelprojecten

R. Beunen , B. Hazeleger
Landschap : tijdschrift voor landschapsecologie en milieukunde 32 ( 3) 128 -132

“Stikstof” als symbool voor een falende overheid

Esther Turnhout , R. Beunen
Stichting Montesquieu

Docile bodies in the park? A post-Foucauldian perspective on effective visitor management in natural parks

M. Duineveld , R. Beunen , A. Pellis
Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world; Fifth International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas 302 -303

The drama of the Do-democracy: constructing inclusion and exclusion in self-governing communities

N. Aarts , R. Beunen , P. Feindt , A. Aalvanger
Etmaal van de communicatiewetenschap, 2016

Innovation in protected area governance: competing models and their impact in different places

R. Beunen
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas 5 -6

Analysing institutional change in environmental governance: exploring the concept of ‘institutional work’

R. Beunen , J.J. Patterson
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 62 ( 1) 12 -29

“Let's try to get the best out of it” understanding land transactions during land use change

S.M. Holtslag-Broekhof , R. Beunen , R. van Marwijk , J.S.C. Wiskerke
Land Use Policy 41 ( 41) 561 -570