Sharon Prendeville , FO Connor , SO Rafferty , Luke Palmer
European Academy of Design Conference: Crafting the Future -
Sharon Prendeville , Michael Niemczyk , Chris Sanders , Evelyn Lafond
Sharon Prendeville , Pandora Syperek
Brandt, E.; Markussen, T., Berglund, E.; Julier, G.; and Linde, P. (eds.). Proceedings of Nordes 2021: Matters of Scale. 15-18 August 2021, Kolding, Denmark. 104 -113
Sharon Prendeville
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Jude Sherry , Sharon Prendeville , Simon O’Rafferty , Frank O’Connor
Proceedings 2nd LCA Conference 6 7 -7
Sharon Prendeville , Anais Carlton-Parada , Victoria Gerrard , Pandora Syperek
218 -229
Mikko Koria , Sharon Prendeville
Design for Global Challenges and Goals
Sharon Prendeville , Keelin Leahy , Abigail Durrant , Nora O'Murchú
Design Research Society, London
Sharon Prendeville 1 ( 1)
Anna Grosman , Sharon Prendeville , Eric Ellman
Loughborough University
Anaïs Carlton-Parada , Sharon Prendeville
CoDesign 1 -18
Sharon Prendeville , Cindy Kohtala
Commons in Design conference, Basel, Switzerland, February 15-17, 2023
Sharon Prendeville , Abigail Durrant , Nora O'Murchú , Keelin Leahy
Design Research Society 2018: Catalyst ( 978-1-912294-36-7)
Sharon Prendeville , Abigail Durrant , Nora O’Murchú , Keelin Leahy
Federico VAZ , Sharon PRENDEVILLE
Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management 2 ( 1)
Sharon PRENDEVILLE , Boeun Bethany HONG
Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management 2 ( 1) 187–203 -187–203
Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management 1 ( 1) 839–861 -839–861
S Prendeville , M Niemczyk , C Sanders , E Lafond
Cardiff UK ENEC. Retrieved Jan 22 2016 -2016
S Prendeville , F O’Connor , J Sherry , L Palmer
LCA Avnir Lille
S. Prendeville , F. O'Connor , L. Palmer
ieee international symposium on sustainable systems and technology 1 -6