Michael B Wunder , Keith A Hobson , Jeff Kelly , Peter P Marra
The Auk 126 ( 4) 922 -926
Robert Palmer , David Bodine , Caleb Fulton , Pierre-Emmanuel Kirstetter
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021 A24A -01
D Max Smith , Deborah M Finch , Jeff Kelly
In: Aguirre-Bravo, C.; Pellicane, Patrick J.; Burns, Denver P.; and Draggan, Sidney, Eds. 2006. Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere Proceedings RMRS-P-42CD. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. p. 230-237 042
Elske K Tielens , Jeff Kelly
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379 ( 1904) 20230114 -20230114
Phillip B Chilson , Kara Bolognini , Boon Leng Cheong , Jeff Kelly
34th Conference on Radar Meteorology (5-9 October 2009)
Andrew Sharp , Clark Rushing , Andrea Contina , Viviana Ruiz-Gutierrez
Kyle Horton , Eli Bridge , Jeff Kelly , Phil Stepanian
A technical report prepared for the American Wind Wildlife Research Information Center. Washington, DC
Jeff Kelly , Joel Strong , Jesse Bahm , Adrienne L Cooper
Publications of the Oklahoma Biological Survey 6 ( 1)
Jeff Kelly , Joel Strong , Jesse Bahm , Adrienne Lee Cooper
LoriL Jervis , Paul Spicer , WilliamC Foster , Jeffrey Kelly
Conservation and Society 17 ( 3) 227
Carmen Chilson , Katherine Avery , Amy McGovern , Eli Bridge
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 5 ( 1) 20 -32
Sevgi Zubeyde Gurbuz , Don R. Reynolds , Jarmo Koistinen , Felix Liechti
ieee radar conference 0817 -0822
Robert Dean Palmer , David J Bodine , Pierre Kirstetter , Caleb Fulton
102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Wenlong Zhao , Gustavo Perez , Zezhou Cheng , Maria Carolina Tiburcio Dias Belotti
NeurIPS 2023 Computational Sustainability: Promises and Pitfalls from Theory to Deployment
Amy McGovern , Carmen Chilson , Katherine Avery , Eli Bridge
98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Jorge L Salazar-Cerreno , Robert Dean Palmer , David J Bodine , Jay McDaniel
102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Winifred F Frick , Jeffrey Kelly , J Ryan Shipley , Kristen Ruegg
California Energy Commission
James D Ray , Phillip Stepanian , Jeffrey Kelly
Pantex Plant (PTX), Amarillo, TX (United States) ( IROS12949)
Andrew J Sharp , Andrea Contina , Viviana Ruiz-Gutiérrez , T Scott Sillett
Journal of Field Ornithology 94 ( 1)