Margaret E. King-Sears
Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities 34 ( 2)
Margaret E. King-Sears , Craig S. Cummings , Sharon P. Hullihen
Margaret E. King-Sears
International journal of special education 21 ( 2) 94 -108
Stacey N. Dammann , Deborah T. Carran , Patricia Sullivan Arter , Margaret E. King-Sears
Teacher Education Quarterly 39 ( 2) 131 -149
Margaret E. King-Sears , Stephanie L. Carpenter , Susan G. Keys
Professional school counseling 2 ( 1) 1 -9
Susan R. Copeland , Michael L. Wehmeyer , Margaret E. King-Sears , Martin Agran
Brookes Publishing Co., P.O. Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624 ($25). Tel: 800-638-3775 (Toll Free); Fax: 410-337-8539; Web site:
Shantha Preston-Smith , Margaret E. King-Sears , Anya S. Evmenova , Pamela Hudson Baker
Learning Disabilities: a Multidisciplinary Journal 25 ( 1) 29 -43
Margaret E. King-Sears
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 52 ( 4) 25 -36
Sheri Berkeley , Margaret E. King-Sears , Jessica Vilbas , Sarah Conklin
Reading & Writing Quarterly 32 ( 3) 247 -272
Margaret E. King-Sears
Intervention In School And Clinic 37 ( 2) 67 -76
Margaret E. King-Sears , Jodi M. Duke
Intervention In School And Clinic 45 ( 5) 284 -293
Margaret E. King-Sears
Intervention In School And Clinic 42 ( 3) 137 -147
Margaret E. King-Sears , Jennifer D. Walker , Colleen Barry
Intervention In School And Clinic 54 ( 2) 89 -96
Margaret E. King-Sears , Melissa C. Jenkins
Intervention In School And Clinic 55 ( 5) 301 -306
Todd M. Johnson , Margaret E. King-Sears
Intervention In School And Clinic 56 ( 1) 51 -55
Margaret E. King-Sears , Anne Eichorn Brawand , Melissa C. Jenkins , Shantha Preston-Smith
Journal of Science Teacher Education 25 ( 6) 651 -680
Margaret E. King-Sears , Todd M. Johnson , Sheri Berkeley , Margaret P. Weiss
Learning Disability Quarterly 38 ( 2) 84 -96
Anne Brawand , Margaret E. King-Sears , Anya S. Evmenova , Kelley Regan
Learning Disability Quarterly 43 ( 3) 140 -153
Margaret E. King-Sears , Mila Burgess , Tracey Lynn Lawson
Teaching Exceptional Children 32 ( 1) 30 -38