Deok Hun Kang , Young-Jin Woo , Jang Ho Lee
The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery 15 ( 5) 42 -47
Yun Jung Jang , Chan Woong Choi , Jang Ho Lee , Ki Weon Kang
Renewable Energy 79 187 -198
TAI Feng Zhu , Jang Ho LEE
TAI Feng Zhu , Hwa Chang SONG , Ki Won KANG , Jang Ho LEE
Ki Weon KANG , Chan Woong CHOI , Jang Ho LEE , Young Chul KIM
AFORE 117 -117
Shrutidhara SARMA , Jang Ho LEE
AFORE 93 -93
Jangho Lee , Eunkyu Lee , Sangkyun Kang
한국신재생에너지학회 학술대회논문집 55 -55
Jangho Lee , P.A. Domanski
Other Information: PBD: Jul 1997
Jangho Lee , Young-Chul Kwon , Moo Hwan Kim
International Journal of Refrigeration-revue Internationale Du Froid 26 ( 6) 707 -720
Young-Woo Son , Ji-Hun Choi , Jangho Lee , Seong-Ryong Park
EKC2008 Proceedings of the EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology 85 -93
Jangho Lee , Moo Hwan Kim
International Journal of Refrigeration 27 ( 8) 993 -1002
Jangho Lee , Piotr A Domanski
J Lee, Piotr A. Domanski
Suyun Jeong , Semyeong Chang , Jangho Lee
한국신재생에너지학회: 학술대회논문집 179.2 -179.2
J.H Lee , S.W Bae , K.H Bang , M.H Kim
International Journal of Refrigeration-revue Internationale Du Froid 25 ( 3) 372 -382
J Lee , PA Domanski
Materials Science 22 ( 2) 285 -289
이종재 , 김두기 , 장성규 , 이장호
Computers and Concrete, An International Journal 4 ( 4) 299 -316
Cheonkyu Lee , Jisung Lee , Junghyun Yoo , Sangkwon Jeong
International Cryocooler Conference 18
강덕훈 , 우영진 , 이장호 ,
한국유체기계학회 논문집 15 ( 5) 42 -47
정진환 , 강기원 , 김범수 , 이장호
한국유체기계학회 논문집 14 ( 3) 45 -49