Vladislav Valentinov , Steffen Roth
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility
Steffen Roth , Vladislav Valentinov
Systems Research and Behavioral Science 40 ( 6) 945 -954
Vladislav Valentinov , Steffen Roth
Journal of Economic Issues 56 ( 3) 707 -720
Vladislav Valentinov , Steffen Roth
Systems Research and Behavioral Science 41 ( 2) 301 -315
Vladislav Valentinov , Robert Chia
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility 31 ( 3) 762 -776
Michal Plaček , Cristina del Campo , Vladislav Valentinov , Gabriela Vaceková
Politics and Governance 10 ( 3) 239–250 -239–250
Michal Plaček , Vladislav Valentinov , Cristina del Campo , Markéta Šumpíková
Museum Management and Curatorship 1 -16
Choirul Anam , Michal Plaček , Vladislav Valentinov , Cristina Del Campo
Discover Global Society 1 14 -14
Kristof Van Assche , Martijn Duineveld , Raoul Beunen , Vladislav Valentinov
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 24 ( 3) 281 -296
Kristof Van Assche , Martijn Duineveld , Monica Gruezmacher , Raoul Beunen
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 24 ( 3) 277 -280
Michal Plaček , Jordi Rosell , Vladislav Valentinov , Milan Křápek
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 ( 1) 1 -10
Vladislav Valentinov , Constantine Iliopoulos
Society and Business Review ( ahead-of-print)
Vladislav Valentinov , Constantine Iliopoulos
Systems Research and Behavioral Science
Vladislav Valentinov , Constantine Iliopoulos
Samira Nuhanovic-Ribic , Ermanno C. Tortia , Vladislav Valentinov
Oxford University Press 158 -170
Lioudmila Chatalova , Nodir Djanibekov , Taras Gagalyuk , Vladislav Valentinov
Water 9 ( 4) 300 -300
Nodir Djanibekov , Vladislav Valentinov
Springer International Publishing 119 -134
Drini Imami , Vladislav Valentinov , Engjell Skreli
International Journal of the Commons 15 ( 1) 21 -34
Vladislav Valentinov
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility 31 ( 2) 536 -545
Ermanno C Tortia , Vladislav Valentinov
Handbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management 285 -285