Allen Ivar Knutson
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
RF Goldin , TS Holm , AI Knutson
Allen Knutson
arXiv: Algebraic Geometry
Allen Knutson , Mathias Lederer
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science ( 01) 923 -934
Jenna Rajchgot , Ryan Kinser , Allen Knutson
Duke Mathematical Journal 168 ( 4) 505 -551
Jean-Claude Hausmann , Allen Knutson
eprint arXiv:dg-ga/9602012
Terence Tao , Allen Knutson
Duke Mathematical Journal 119 ( 2) 221 -260
Rebecca Goldin , Tara S. Holm , Allen Knutson
Duke Mathematical Journal 139 ( 1) 89 -139
Allen Knutson , Thomas Lam , David E Speyer
Crelle's Journal 2014 ( 687) 133 -157
Allen Knutson
Linear Algebra and its Applications 319 61 -81
Allen Knutson , Thomas Lam , David E. Speyer
Compositio Mathematica 149 ( 10) 1710 -1752
Allen Knutson , Paul Zinn-Justin
Advances in Mathematics 214 ( 1) 40 -77
Allen Knutson , Ezra Miller
Annals of Mathematics 161 ( 3) 1245 -1318
Allen Knutson
Transformation Groups 13 ( 3) 715 -726
Allen Knutson , Ezra Miller
Advances in Mathematics 184 ( 1) 161 -176
Laura Escobar , Allen Knutson
arXiv: Algebraic Geometry 283 -296
Matthias Beck , Beifang Chen , Lenny Fukshansky , Christian Haase
Contemporary mathematics 179 -191
Allen Knutson , Ezra Miller , Alexander Yong
Crelle's Journal 2009 ( 630) 1 -31
Allen Knutson
Inventiones Mathematicae 135 ( 1) 185 -200