Christopher M Haggerty , Melissa Kelly , Crystal Tichnell , Brittney Murray
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Dominik Beer , Marci Schwartz , Melissa Kelly , Megan McMinn
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Eric Carruth , Amro Alsaid , Brittney Murray , Crystal Tichnell
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Laney K Jones , Alanna Kulchak Rahm , Kandamurugu Manickam , Loren Butry
Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine 11 ( 8) e002146 -e002146
Nicole L Walters , Zoe T Lindsey-Mills , Andrew Brangan , Sarah K Savage
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Gemme Campbell-Salome , Laney K Jones , Nicole L Walters , Kelly M Morgan
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Gemme Campbell-Salome , Kelly M Morgan , Jazmine Gabriel , Mary P McGowan
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Kelly M Morgan , Nicole L Walters , Gemme Campbell-Salome , Megan N Betts
Journal of Clinical Lipidology 17 ( 4) e23 -e24
Gemme Campbell-Salome , Nicole L Walters , Ilene G Ladd , Amanda Sheldon
Translational Behavioral Medicine 12 ( 7) 800 -809
Laney K Jones , Nicole Walters , Andrew Brangan , Catherine D Ahmed
Circulation 142 ( Suppl_3) A13161 -A13161
Gemme Campbell-Salome , Kelly M Morgan , Jazmine Gabriel , Mary P McGowan
16 th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation
Laney K Jones , Amanda Sheldon , Nicole Walters , Andrew Brangan
Circulation 144 ( Suppl_1) A9584 -A9584
Andrew P Landstrom , Jeffrey J Kim , Bruce D Gelb , Benjamin M Helm
Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine 14 ( 5) e000086 -e000086
Kiran Musunuru , Ray E Hershberger , Sharlene M Day , N Jennifer Klinedinst
Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine 13 ( 4)
Andrew P Landstrom , Anwar A Chahal , Michael J Ackerman , Sharon Cresci
Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine 16 ( 2) e000092 -e000092
Sarah N Thomas , Shelly R Hovick , Naomi Tan , Amy C Sturm
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Kandamurugu Manickam , Adam H Buchanan , Marci LB Schwartz , Miranda LG Hallquist
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Juliann M Savatt , Jennifer K Wagner , Steven Joffe , Alanna Kulchak Rahm
BMC Pediatrics 20 ( 1) 1 -13
Tara Schmidlen , Claire L Jones , Gemme Campbell‐Salome , Cara Z McCormick
Journal of genetic counseling 31 ( 5) 1219 -1230