Ingun Grimstad Klepp , Vilde Haugrønning , Kirsi Laitala , Anna Schytte Sigaard
Springer International Publishing 171 -188
Vilde Haugrønning , Kirsi Laitala , Ingun Grimstad Klepp
University of Limerick
Gunnar Vittersø , Marie Hebrok , Nina Heidenstrøm , Ingun Grimstad Klepp
Forbruksforskningsinstituttet SIFO, OsloMet
Ingun Grimstad Klepp , Marie Hebrok , Kirsi Laitala
Novus 31 -55
Kirsi Laitala , Ingun Grimstad Klepp
Presentation at SIFO
Kirsi Laitala , Ingun Grimstad Klepp , Lisbeth Løvbak Berg
Recycling and Lifetime Management in the Textile and Fashion Sector 92 -112
Gunnar Vittersø , Marie Hebrok , Nina Heidenstrøm , Ingun Grimstad Klepp
Consumption Research Norway (SIFO), OsloMet
Kirsi Laitala , Benedicte Hauge , Ingun Grimstad Klepp
Axl books, Stockholm 201 -220
Eija Kalliala , Kirsi Laitala
The Nordic Textile Journal ( 1) 17 -42
Ingun Grimstad Klepp , Kirsi Laitala , Lisbeth Løvbak Berg , Tone Skårdal
A suggestion for empirically based policy measures to reduce the environmental impacts of clothing and footwear
Kirsi Laitala , Ingun Grimstad Klepp , Vilde Haugrønning
CRC Press 197 -223
Ingun Grimstad Klepp , Kirsi Laitala , R Rathinamoorthy
Odour in Textiles 1 -13
Anita Borch , Kirsi Laitala
Social Inclusion 10 ( 4) 1 -3
Gunnar Vittersø , Kirsi Laitala
Forbrukstrender 21. september 2017 SIFO-survey 13 -20
Ingun Grimstad Klepp , Kirsi Laitala
The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress, 1800 to the Present 491 -491
Ingun Grimstad Klepp , Kirsi Laitala , Lisbeth Løvbak Berg , Ingrid Haugsrud
Tone Rasch , Ingrid Haugsrud , Kirsi Laitala
Lisbeth Løvbak Berg , Kirsi Laitala
Consumption Research Norway (SIFO)
Kirsi Laitala , Ingun Grimstad Klepp , Ivan Harsløf , Anita Borch
Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget)
Kirsi Laitala , Ingun Grimstad Klepp , Beverley Henry
Oslo: Consumption Research Norway (SIFO)