Pierre Horwitz , Conor Kretsch , Aaron Jenkins , Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Hamid
World Health Organization and Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Catherine Machalaba , Peter J. Stoett , Cristina Romanelli
IGI Global 24 -67
Hans Keune , Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux , Maarten Vanhove , Barbara Haesler
One Health EcoHealth 2016 Congress abstracts
M Romanelli , C , Capon , T
In: Connecting global priorities: biodiversity and human health: a state of knowledge review. (pp. 223-237). World Health Organization and Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity: Geneva, Switzerland and Montreal, Quebec. (2015) 222 -237
Christina Pettan-Brewer , Rafael Ruiz de Castañeda , Beat Stoll , Elizabeth Mumford
Frontiers in Public Health 9 637901
Hans Keune , Kerstin Friesenbichler , Barbara Häsler , Astrid Hilgers
Biodiversity and Health in the face of Climate Change ( 1) 329 -360
Catherine Machalaba , Cristina Romanelli , Peter Stoett , Sarah E. Baum
Annals of global health 81 ( 3) 445 -458
Sarah Whitmee , Andy Haines , Chris Beyrer , Frederick Boltz
The Lancet 386 ( 10007) 1973 -2028
Peter Stoett , Peter Daszak , Cristina Romanelli , Catherine Machalaba
The Lancet Global Health 4 ( 10)
Cristina Romanelli , Carlos Corvalan , H. David Cooper , Lucien Manga
Ecohealth 11 ( 3) 292 -299
Kent H Redford , Gustavo AB da Fonseca , Claude Gascon , Carlos Manuel Rodriguez
Conservation Letters e12864 -e12864
Cristina Romanelli , H. Cooper , David , Braulio F. de Souza Dias
Revue Scientifique Et Technique De L Office International Des Epizooties 33 ( 2) 487 -496
Catherine Machalaba , Cristina Romanelli , Peter Stoett
IGI Global 393 -426
Sue Stolton , Hannah L Timmins , Nigel Dudley , Olga Biegus
Conservation Letters 16 ( 4)
Cristina Romanelli , Daniel Buss , David Coates , Toby Hodgkin
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305985423_Freshwater_wetlands_biodiversity_and_human_health 46 -62.
Cristina Romanelli , Cristina Tirado
Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Biodiversity https://books.google.ca/books?id=G0g4DwA -https://books.google.ca/books?id=G0g4DwA
Cristina Romanelli
CBD: Convention on Biological Diversity
Cristina Romanelli
CBD: Convention on Biological Diversity
Cristina Romanelli
CBD: Convention on Biological Diversity
Cristina Romanelli , H. David Cooper
World Health Organization and Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 251 -257.