Material de banda intermedia basado en un compuesto semiconductor de tipo calcogenuro de estaño

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Kefrén Sánchez Noriega , Yohanna Seminovski Pérez , Irene Aguilera Bonet
E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación (UPM)

Intermediate band materials: a way to use a broader solar spectrum range in photocatalysis

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Yohanna Seminovski Pérez , Raquel Lucena García , José Carlos Conesa Cegarra

More Efficient Photovoltaic Materials by Metal Substitution in Sulphides Compounds: Theoretical Predictions and Experimental Results

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Yohanna Seminovski Pérez , Raquel Lucena García , José Carlos Conesa Cegarra

Photocatalytic test of intermediate band photovoltaic materials

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Yohanna Seminovski Pérez , Irene Aguilera Bonet , Raquel Lucena García

Metal-substituted octahedral sulphides for more efficient PV: theoretical modeling and experimental verification of sub-bandgap photon use

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Yohanna Seminovski Pérez , Raquel Lucena García , José Carlos Conesa Cegarra

New generation of more efficient solar energy materials: Quantum modeling and experimental realizations

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Yohanna Seminovski Pérez , Raquel Lucena García , José Carlos Conesa Cegarra

Estudio de la microporosidad estrecha de carbones activados obtenidos de semilla de palma por activación química con KOH

Yohanna Seminovski Pérez , Giselle Autie Castro , Rafael López Cordero , Miguel Autie Pérez
Revista CENIC Ciencias Químicas 39 ( 1) 011 -015

New generation of materials for more efficient solar energy use: Quantum modeling and experimental realizations

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Pablo Palacios Clemente , Yohanna Seminovski Pérez , Raquel Lucena García

Ab-Initio calculations including Van der Waals interactions: the SnS2 layered material

Yohanna Seminóvski Pérez , Pablo Palacios Clemente , Perla Wahnon Benarroch , Ricardo Grau-Crespo
VII Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido (GEFES2012) | VII Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido (GEFES2012) | 25/01/2012 - 27/01/2012 | Madrid, Spain

Vanadium-Doped In and Sn Sulphides: Photocatalysts able to use the whole visible light spectrum

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Yohanna Seminóvski Pérez , Raquel Lucena , Pablo Palacios Clemente
2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit | 2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit | 09/04/2012 - 13/04/2012 | San Francisco, CA (EEUU)

First principles study of Bi dopen CdTe thin film solar cells: electronic and optical properties

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Yohanna Seminóvski Pérez , Pablo Palacios Clemente
Proceedings of the Trends in Nanoapplications Energy 2011, TNA 2011 | Proceedings of the Trends in Nanoapplications Energy 2011, TNA 2011 | 11/04/2011 - 14/04/2011 | Bilbao

Intermediate band materials for more efficient solar energy use: quantum modelling and experimental realizations

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Yohanna Seminóvski Pérez , Irene Aguilera Bonet , Raquel Lucena
Proceedings of Trends in Nanoaplications, ImagineNano 2011 | ImagineNano 2011: Trends in Nano Applications | 10/04/2011 - 14/04/2011 | Bilbao, España

New Intermediate band sulphide nanoparticles acting in the full visible light range spectra as an active photocatalyst

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Yohanna Seminóvski Pérez , Raquel Lucena , Pablo Palacios Clemente
Proceedings of 13th edition of Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2012) | 13th edition of Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2012) | 10/09/2012 - 14/09/2012 | Madrid

Sulfuros fotocatalizadores que utilizan ampliamente el espectro de luz visible

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Yohanna Seminóvski Pérez , Raquel Lucena , Pablo Palacios Clemente
Congreso Iberoamericano de Catálisis | XXIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Catálisis | 02/09/2012 - 12/09/2012 | Santa Fe, Argentina

Ab-Initio calculations including Van der Waals interactions: the SnS2 layered material

Yohanna Seminóvski Pérez , Pablo Palacios Clemente , Perla Wahnon Benarroch , Ricardo Grau-Crespo
VII Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido (GEFES2012) | VII Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido (GEFES2012) | 25/01/2012 - 27/01/2012 | Madrid, Spain

New materials for intermediate band photovoltaic cells. A theoretical and experimental approach

Perla Wahnón Benarroch , Pablo Palacios Clemente , Irene Aguilera Bonet , Yohanna Seminóvski Pérez
ETSI Telecomunicación (UPM)

Intermediate band position modulated by Zn addition in Ti doped CuGaS2

Y. Seminóvski , P. Palacios , P. Wahnón
Thin Solid Films 519 ( 21) 7517 -7521