Ben Kaczer , Tibor Grasser , Raul Fernandez , Guido Groeseneken
ECS Transactions 6 ( 3) 265 -265
Raul Fernandez , Ben Kaczer , Rosana Rodriguez , Montserat Nafria
2nd Workshop of the Thematic Network on Silicon on Insulator Technology, Devices and Circuits-EUROSOI, Location: Barcelona Spain
S BenDhia , A Boyer , R Fernandez-Garcia , I Gil
J Balcells , F Bogonez , R Fernandez-Garcia , J Gago
A Boyer , S Ben Dhia , B Li , N Berbel
IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol. PP ( 99)
M Martínez-Estrada , I Gil , R Fernández-García
Lectures 191 -192
R Fernández-García , I Gil
IEICE Electronics Express 10 ( 5) 1 -5
R Fernández , M Porti , R Rodríguez , M Nafría
M Porti , R Fernández , R Rodríguez , M Nafría
Nanophysics, Nanoclusters And Nanodevices 125 -125
R. Fernández , R. Rodríguez , M. Nafría , X. Aymerich
Electronics Letters 41 ( 6) 368 -370
R Fernandez , R Rodriguez , M Nafria , X Aymerich
VLSI Circuits and Systems II 5837 374 -379
Inventions Editorial Office ,
Inventions 4 ( 1) 5 -5