Gert Verschraegen , Frédéric Vandermoere , Luc Braeckmans , Barbara Segaert
Gert Verschraegen , Frédéric Vandermoere
Routledge 1 -11
Robbe Geerts , Frédéric Vandermoere , Stijn Oosterlynck
The Social Sciences 9 ( 12) 221
Ewoud Vandepitte , Frédéric Vandermoere , Lesley Hustinx
Voluntas 30 ( 2) 327 -341
Frédéric Vandermoere
Risk Analysis 28 ( 2) 387 -398
Frédéric Vandermoere , Robbe Geerts , Raf Vanderstraeten
Sustainability 12 ( 21) 9082
Robbe Geerts , Frédéric Vandermoere , Tim Van Winckel , Dirk Halet
Water Research 173 115578 -115578
Robbe Geerts , Frédéric Vandermoere , Stijn Oosterlynck
Poetics 97 101768 -101768
Stijn Oosterlynck , Ilse Loots , Frédéric Vandermoere , Peter Raeymaeckers
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Benoît El-Achkar , Robbe Geerts , Stijn Oosterlynck , Ann Crabbé
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Stijn Oosterlynck , Ilse Loots , Frédéric Vandermoere
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Stijn Oosterlynck , Ilse Loots , Frédéric Vandermoere , Peter Raeymaeckers
Tim Van Winckel , Jan Cools , Siegfried E Vlaeminck , Pieter Joos
Journal of Environmental Management 298 113447 -113447
Robbe Geerts , Frédéric Vandermoere , Dirk Halet , Tim Van Winckel
Vlaams tijdschrift voor overheidsmanagement/Vlaams Instituut voor Overheidsmanagement.-Brugge, 1996, currens ( 3) 51 -69
Joshua Eykens , Raf Guns , Tim CE Engels , Frédéric Vandermoere
Journal of Information Science 01655515231171086 -01655515231171086
Andrea Bieberstein , Jutta Roosen , Stephan Marette , Sandrine Blanchemanche
Journal of agricultural and resource economics/Western Agricultural Economics Association [Milwaukee, Wis.]-Bozeman, Mont., 1992, currens 36 ( 2) 363 -374
Andrea Bieberstein , Jutta Roosen , Sandrine Blanchemanche , Stéphan Marette
ERNAHRUNGS UMSCHAU 58 ( 6) 290 -296
Raf Vanderstraeten , Frédéric Vandermoere
Scientometrics 126 ( 10) 8635 -8651
Anne Bergmas , Frédéric Vandermoere , Ilse Loots
BERGMAS, Anne, VANDERMOERE, Frédéric and LOOTS, Ilse, Co-Producing Sustainability Indicators for the Port of Antwerp: How Sustainability Reporting Creates New Discursive Spaces for Concern and Mobilisation, ESSACHESS-Journal for Communication Studies 7 ( 1) 13 -13
Kirsten Vanderplanken , Elke Rogge , Ilse Loots , Lies Messely
The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 23 ( 1) 1 -20