Vleesconsumptie en vegafobie

Els Van Doorslaer , Frédéric Vandermoere
Eva Nieuws

Marli Huijer, Leve de Publieksfilosofie: belevenissen van een Denker des Vaderlands

Frédéric Vandermoere
Streven: cultureel maatschappelijk maandblad.-Antwerpen, 1933-2020 952 -954

Sociology of organizations

Frédéric Vandermoere

Pilootproject sociale ongelijkheid en milieu

Bert Morrens , Loots Ilse , Frédéric Vandermoere , Peter Raeymaeckers

Crok, M., De staat van het klimaat: een koele blik op een verhit debat

Frédéric Vandermoere
Tijdschrift voor sociologie/Vereniging voor Sociologie [Leuven]-Leuven, 1980-2013 32 ( 2) 203 -208

Perceptions of nanoscience in the food domain: the role of knowledge and views of nature

Frédéric Vandermoere
104th Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA), August 8-11, 2009, San Francisco, USA 1 -12

Do we really live on polluted soil that poses a threat to our physical health? Individual, social and risk-related determinants of mental health

Frédéric Vandermoere
56th Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP), 10-12 August, 2006, Quebec, Canada 1 -4

Report: Sociological evaluation of the stakeholders involved with a soil-decontamination process in a community. A quantitative research

Frédéric Vandermoere , Johny Vincke
Report for Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM) 1 -100

Community Involvement

Frédéric Vandermoere , Raf Vanderstraeten

Acceptance of innovation in the food sector: a comparison between France and Germany with nanotechnology as example

Andrea A Bieberstein , Jutta J Roosen , Sandrine S Blanchemanche , Stephan S Marette
Ernährungs Umschau 58 ( 6) 290 -296

Hiphop in Vlaanderen

Steven Vanden Broucke , Fréderic Vandermoere

The Effect of Information Choice and Discussion on Consumers' Willingness-to-Pay for Nanotechnologies in Food

Jutta Roosen , Andrea Bieberstein , Stephan Marette , Frederic Vandermoere
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 36 ( 2) 365 -374

Des consommateurs entre indifférence et méfiance : comportements français et allemands face à une possible introduction des nanotechnologies dans le secteur agro-alimentaire.

Jutta Roosen , Andrea Bieberstein , Stephan Marette , Frederic Vandermoere
INRA Sciences Sociales – Recherches en Economie et Sociologie Rurales 2011 ( 1) 1 -4

Linking governance and embeddedness: a socio-spatial approach to food networks

Ilse Loots , Lies Messely , Elke Rogge , Kirsten Vanderplanken
2nd International conference on Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society: Reconnecting agriculture and food chains to societal needs