Hajime Hiyagon , Naoji Sugiura , Noriko Kita , Makoto Kimura
Noriko Kita , Gen Shimoda , Yuichi Morishita
中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所第 11 届 (2011 年度) 学术年会论文集 (上)
John R Bowman , Desmond E Moser , Joseph L Wooden , John W Valley
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement 72 ( 12) A107 -A107
John W Valley , Taka Ushikubo , Noriko Kita
Ground Truth from Mars: Science Payoff from a Sample Return Mission 1401 101 -102
F J Ryerson , I D Hutcheon , J Matzel , N Kita
AGUFM 2009
ET Dunham , M Wadhwa , SJ Desch , MC Liu
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 324 194 -220
S Tachibana , Y Ikeda , H Nagahara , K Ozawa
NG Lunning , CM Corrigan , HY McSween , TJ Tenner
77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 77 ( 1800) 5193 -5193
Lan Anh Ngoc Nguyen , T Nakamura , T Noguchi , H Yabuta
Hayabusa Symposium
A Krot , Y Amelin , M Bizzarro , P Bland
Chronology of Meteorites and the Early Solar System ( 1374) 98 -99
YA Abdu , I Souza Azevedo , SJ Stewart , A López
A Dronov , C Defouilloy , N Kita , P Heck
ET Dunham , M Wadhwa , M-C Liu , AT Hertwig
50th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference ( 2132) 1928 -1928
M Uesugi , A Tsuchiyama , K Uesugi , A Takeuchi
77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 77 ( 1800) 5226 -5226
M Wadhwa , Y Amelin , M Bizzarro , N Kita
Chronology of Meteorites and the Early Solar System 1374 173 -174
Henrietta E Cathey , BP Nash , AN Seligman , JW Valley
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011 V11A -2510
R Kozdon , T Ushikubo , N Kita , M Spicuzza
JL Wooden , FK Mazdab , PA Mueller , JN Aleinikoff
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement 72 ( 12) A1034 -A1034
S Nishimura , K Yamashita , N Ogita , A Shibata
Proc., 2nd Int. Conf. on Statnamic Loading Test 337 -344
Laurence E Nyquist , Thorsten Kleine , C-Y Shih , N Kita
Chronology of Meteorites and the Early Solar System ( 1374) 127 -128