The Political Gesture of Pragmatism and the Anti-Politics of Truth

Kim Hendrickx
EASST Conference ‘Situating Solidarities’, Date: 2014/09/17-2014/09/19, Location: Torún, Poland

Credibility of Evidence and Affiliation in the Quest for Proper Science

Bart Penders , Kim Hendrickx
Lab Dispatches, Vol. 3 69 -69

Réguler par la science: le cas des aliments fonctionnels

Kim Hendrickx
Colloque Inaugural des “Midis du Technology Assessment”, Date: 2013/03/08-2013/03/08, Location: Parlement Wallon, Namur

Contesting Frames in Public Health

Kim Hendrickx
European Public Health Programme

Who has the guts to make health claims? Good and Bad Scientists in Europe

Kim Hendrickx
Design and Displacement-4S/EASST Joint Conference 2012

Qu’est-ce q’un alicament? Débat scientifique et étranges familiarités

Kim Hendrickx
Séminaire doctoral “Pourquoi la controverse? Définitions, méthodes et enjeux”-2012/01/06, Location: Liège, Belgium

Les aliments fonctionnels à la quête d'une science

Kim Hendrickx
6e Symposium du GCNAS

More Than a Phrase on a Food Label. The Health Claim as a Topological Space

Kim Hendrickx
Unpacking Europe: Bio-Objects and their direction

Putting Prebiotics in their Place. On Europe’s Intestinal Flora

Kim Hendrickx
Winter Harvest Seminar, Location: Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Classification Games in European Law & Science

Kim Hendrickx
IRIS Research Centre Seminar, Location: University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil

Handling Emerging Issues on the Science/Policy Interface

Kim Hendrickx
Spiral-SCK Meeting, Date: 2011/04/26-2011/04/26, Location: Belgian Center for Nuclear Research, Mol, Belgium

Handling complex risks issues in the domain of environment and health

Rudi Torfs , Catherine Zwetkoff , Catherine Fallon , Jurgen Buekers
SCOPE (D/2011/1191/20)

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly: integrating multiple frames in Flanders and Wallonia air policies by using the Delphi method

Kim Hendrickx , Catherine Fallon , Stà Vanhaeren
SRA-Europe Annual Meeting, Date: 2010/06/21-2010/06/23, Location: King's College, London