Considerations for building a cooperative web caching system.

VJS Sosa , SG Gonzalez , L Navarro
IASTED International Conference on Computer Science and Technology 182 -187

Document Distribution to Internet Digital Libraries

Leandro Navarro , Victor J Sosa , Oscar Ardaiz
Computación y Sistemas 2 ( 4) 169 -173

Distribución Geográfica de Documentos Web a Bibliotecas-proxy1

Leandro Navarro , Victor J Sosa
Boletín de la red nacional de I+ D, RedIris ( 46-47) 88 -94

Evaluación de dispositivos Smartphone para su uso como servidores móviles

Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas , Juan Gabriel González Serna , Víctor Jesús Sosa
CENIDET (Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico). Obtenido de: http://campusv. uaem. mx/cicos/memorias/5tocic2006/Articulos/articulo12. pdf, el 20

KESOSD: keyword search over structured data

Jaime I Lopez-Veyna , Victor J Sosa-Sosa , Ivan Lopez-Arevalo
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Keyword Search on Structured Data 23 -31

An interoperable cloud-based geoportal for discovery and management of earth observation products

Dante D Sánchez-Gallegos , JL Gonzalez-Compean , Victor J Sosa-Sosa , Heidy M Marin-Castro

Protecting Data in the Cloud: An Assessment of Practical Digital Envelopes from Attribute based Encryption

Victor J Sosa-Sosa , Miguel Morales-Sandoval , Oscar Telles-Hurtado , Jose Luis Gonzalez-Compean
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications 382 -390

A generic approach for data integration using RDF, OWL and XML

Miguel A Macias-Garcia , Victor J Sosa-Sosa , Ivan Lopez-Arevalo
Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Complementary Proceedings of MICAI

Assessment of Private Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring Tools

Mario A Gomez-Rodriguez , Victor J Sosa-Sosa , Jose L Gonzalez-Compean
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications 371 -381

A GIS-big data model for improving the coverage and analysis processes of territory observation, and integrating ground-based observations with retrospective meteorological data

J Armando Barron-Lugo , Ivan Lopez-Arevalo , JL Gonzalez-Compean , M Susana Alvarado-Barrientos
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 128 103736 -103736

Content Delivery and Sharing in Federated Cloud Storage

José Luis González , Victor J Sosa-Sosa , Jesús Carretero Pérez , Luis Miguel Sánchez García
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2014): Porto, Portugal 53 -58

Mobile Applications Middleware for File Swapping

Mario A Gomez-Rodriguez , Victor J Sosa-Sosa , Ivan Lopez-Arevalo
e-Business and Telecommunications 84 -94

A Distributed Storage Architecture based on a Hybrid Cloud Deployment Model

Emigdio M Hernandez-Ramirez , Victor J Sosa-Sosa , Ivan Lopez-Arevalo

A Comparison of Redundancy Techniques for Private and Hybrid Cloud Storage

EM Hernandez-Ramirez , VJ Sosa-Sosa , I Lopez-Arevalo

Hacia la aplicación de Guías de Prácticas Clínicas validadas

F Pech-May , I Lopez-Arevalo , VJ Sosa-Sosa

uc3m Carlos Ill

VJ Sosa-Sosa , A Barron , JL Gonzalez , J Carretero

A Data Science Approach Based on User Interactions to Generate Access Control Policies for Large Collections of Documents

Jedidiah Yanez‐Sierra , Arturo Diaz‐Perez , Victor Sosa‐Sosa
Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security 379 -415

Kulla‐RIV: A composing model with integrity verification for efficient and reliable data processing services

Hugo G Reyes‐Anastacio , Jose L Gonzalez‐Compeán , Victor J Sosa‐Sosa , Ricardo Marcelín‐Jiménez
Software: Practice and Experience

Dynamic Configuration between Proxy Caches within an

Víctor J Sosa Sosa , Juan G González Serna , Xochitl Landa Miguez
Computational Science and Its Applications: ICCSA..., International Conference: Proceedings 137 -137