Helfried Steiner , D. Heidorn
Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium On Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer - Rome, Italy, 14-18 September, 2009
Franz Ramstorfer , Bernd Breitscha¨del , Helfried Steiner , Gu¨nter Brenn
ASME 2005 Summer Heat Transfer Conference collocated with the ASME 2005 Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Integration and Packaging of MEMS, NEMS, and Electronic Systems 323 -332
Helfried Steiner , Alexander Kobor , Ludwig Gebhard
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 ( 19) 4161 -4173
Johannes Tieber , Helfried Steiner
SAE 2020 11th International Styrian Noise, Vibration and Harshness Congress: The European Automotive Noise Conference, SNVH 2020 ( 2020)
W. Kendal Bushe , Helfried Steiner
Physics of Fluids 15 ( 6) 1564 -1575
Franz Ramstorfer , Helfried Steiner , Günter Brenn , Claudius Kormann
Journal of Heat Transfer-transactions of The Asme 130 ( 1) 011501
Lorenzo Sufrà , Helfried Steiner
Flow Turbulence and Combustion 105 ( 2) 377 -392
Christian Walchshofer , Helfried Steiner
Combustion and Flame 162 ( 3) 613 -627
Günter Brenn , Helfried Steiner , István Kondor , Carole Planchette
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 92 558 -571
Emil Barić , Helfried Steiner ,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 99 149 -158
Sanjin Saric , Andreas Ennemoser , Branislav Basara , Heinz Petutschnig
SAE International journal of engines 10 ( 3) 778 -784
Helfried Steiner , Christian Walchshofer
Pamm 11 ( 1) 601 -602
Doris Prieling , Helfried Steiner
Pamm 11 ( 1) 583 -584
Doris Prieling , Helfried Steiner , Günter Brenn
Pamm 12 ( 1) 521 -522
Helfried Steiner , Christoph Irrenfried , Günter Brenn
Heat Transfer Engineering 41 1341 -1353
W. Kendal Bushe , Helfried Steiner
Physics of Fluids 11 ( 7) 1896 -1906
Franz Ramstorfer , Helfried Steiner , Günter Brenn
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 ( 15) 4069 -4082
Helfried Steiner , S Jakirlic , G Kadavelil , Remi Manceau
ERCOFTAC bulletin 79 22 -27
Paul Maurerlehner , Stefan Schoder , Johannes Tieber , Clemens Freidhager
Acta Acustica 6 45 -45
Paul Maurerlehner , Stefan Schoder , Sebastian Floss , Johannes Tieber
INTER-nOISE and NOISE-CON congress and conference proceedings 263 ( 6) 519 -525