O. Tully , M. Clarke , D. O’Sullivan , A. Berry
Marine Institute
A. Egan , M. Clarke , D. Miller , S. Mariani
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
O.A. Bergstad , P. Lorance , J. Gordon , V. Vinnichenko
J. Wallace , M. Clarke , C. Byrne , B. Nwosu
European Psychiatry 29 1
W. John , M. Clarke , C. Byrne
European Psychiatry 29 1
N. T. Hintzen , B. Roel , D. Benden , M. Clarke
Ices Journal of Marine Science 72 ( 2) 528 -542
Maurice Clarke
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Larry Alade , Alexandra Barbosa , Valerio Bartolino , Steven Beggs
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Maurice Clarke , Kenneth Patterson
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Maurice Clarke , Jim Wilson , Deirdre Lynch
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
Maurice Clarke , Afra Egan , John Molloy
Marine Institute
Simon Dedman , Rick Officer , Deirdre Brophy , Maurice Clarke
Ecological Modelling 312 77 -90
Olga Lyashevska , Clementine Harma , Cóilín Minto , Maurice Clarke
Ecological Informatics 60 101154
Simon Dedman , Rick Officer , Deirdre Brophy , Maurice Clarke
Fishes 2 ( 3) 12
Maurice Clarke , Afra Egan
Marine Policy 78 163 -170
Clémentine Harma , Deirdre Brophy , Cóilín Minto , Maurice Clarke
Fisheries Research 121 31 -42
Dana D. Miller , Maurice Clarke , Stefano Mariani
Fisheries Research 121 104 -114
Amy Garbett , Natasha D. Phillips , Jonathan D.R. Houghton , Paulo Prodöhl
Marine Policy 124 104367
Mark Dickey-Collas , Maurice Clarke , Aril Slotte
Ices Journal of Marine Science 66 ( 8) 1649 -1651
Emma White , Cóilín Minto , Conor P. Nolan , Erna King
Ices Journal of Marine Science 68 ( 1) 61 -66