Stress determination in a thermally grown oxide on Ni38Cr alloy by use of micro/nanogauge gratings

Guillaume Geandier , Joseph Marae-Djouda , Emmanuel Guyot , Benoît Panicaud
Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 812 141079

Angular plasmon response of gold nanoparticles arrays: approaching the Rayleigh limit

Joseph Marae-Djouda , Roberto Caputo , Nabil Mahi , Gaëtan Lévêque
Nanophotonics 6 ( 1) 279 -288

In Depth Investigation of Lattice Plasmon Modes in Substrate-Supported Gratings of Metal Monomers and Dimers

Nabil Mahi , Gaëtan Lévêque , Ophélie Saison , Joseph Marae-Djouda
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 ( 4) 2401

Dense Brushes of Tilted Metallic Nanorods Grown onto Stretchable Substrates for Optical Strain Sensing

Joseph Marae-Djouda , Arthur Gontier , Roberto Caputo , Gaëtan Lévêque
ACS Applied Nano Materials 1 ( 5) 2347 -2355

Flexible plasmonic and strain sensors: fabrication, design and perspectives

Arthur Gontier , Joseph Marae-Djouda , Abdelhamid Hmima , Julien Proust
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1461 012096

Experimental and numerical analyzed of lattice plasmon modes in substrate-supported gratings: application of strain sensors design

Joseph Marae-Djouda , Roberto Caputo , Gaëtan Lévêque , Arthur Gontier
NOMA, 13th Mediterranean Workshop and Topical Meeting Novel Optical Materials and Applications

From Random to Periodic: Perspectives in Plasmomechanics

Roberto Caputo , Joseph Marae-Djouda , Gaëtan Lévêque , Nabil Mahi
EMN Meeting on Light-Matter interactions

Angular Behaviour of 2D sub-wavelength Arrays of Au Nano-cylinders

Roberto Caputo , Joseph Marae-Djouda , Gaëtan Lévêque , Pierre-Michel Adam
Optical Nanospectroscopy III, the third annual conference of COST Action MP1302

Nanogauges for optical strain sensors

Thomas Maurer , Joseph Marae-Djouda , Guillaume Montay , Pierre-Michel Adam

Organization of gold nanoparticles via copolymer templates

Joseph Marae-Djouda , Arthur Gontier , Yazid Madi , Pierre-Michel Adam
5th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials

Crack growth measurement and J‐integral evaluation of additively manufactured polymer using digital image correlation and FE modeling

François Hild , Julien Gardan , Marouene Zouaoui , Mohamed Ali Bouaziz
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 44 ( 5) 1318 -1335

Optical and Terahertz Anticounterfeiting Tags Via Non‐Deterministic Deposition of Fluorescent Opuntia Ficus‐Indica Extract

Sephora Kamwe Sighano , Tiziana Ritacco , Mauro Daniel Luigi Bruno , Oriella Gennari
Advanced Functional Materials 2406632 -2406632

Optical properties of gold nanorods macro-structure: a numerical study

Arthur Gontier , J. Marae-Djouda , R. Caputo , Y. Madi
Photonics Letters of Poland 9 ( 1) 23 -25

Temperature dependence of metal-enhanced fluorescence of photosystem I from Thermosynechococcus elongatus.

Imran Ashraf , Alexander Konrad , Heiko Lokstein , Sepideh Skandary
Nanoscale 9 ( 12) 4196 -4204

Nano fabrication processes for innovative plasmonic systems

FN Viscomi , JM Djouda , J Beal , S Kostneech
IC1208 MCM7 & WG meeting 2016 31 -31

Effects of mechanical post-treatments on additive manufactured 17-4PH stainless steel produced by bound powder extrusion

Mahdi Chemkhi , J Marae Djouda , MA Bouaziz , J Kauffmann
Procedia CIRP 104 957 -961

Heat treatment effect on 17-4PH stainless steel manufactured by Atomic Diffusion Additive Manufacturing (ADAM)

MA Bouaziz , J Marae Djouda , M Chemkhi , M Rambaudon
Procedia CIRP 104 935 -938

others, The beginnings of plasmomechanics: towards plasmonic strain sensors, Front

T Maurer , J Marae-Djouda , U Cataldi , A Gontier
Mater. Sci 9 170 -177

A Review on Fused Deposition Modelling Materials with Analysis of Key Process Parameters Influence on Mechanical Properties

Joseph MARAE DJOUDA , Silvain William Tieuna Tientcheu , Mohamed Ali Bouaziz , Elisabeth Lacazedieu
Mohamed Ali and LACAZEDIEU, Elisabeth, A Review on Fused Deposition Modelling Materials with Analysis of Key Process Parameters Influence on Mechanical Properties

Mécanismes locaux de déformation de l'acier inoxydable austénitique 316L

Fabrice Gaslain , Delphine Retraint , Yazid Madi , Guillaume Montay
22ème congrès français de mécanique