摘要: This is a book about the passage of matter across plasma membrane mature and, for most part, nonnucleated red blood cell (of mammals). It seems appropriate at outset to try answer question why one wishes know much such processes (although reader certainly has his or her own answer). The textbook truth that only obvious function cells in body’s economy transport oxygen (why it advantageous have haemoglobin within membrane-bounded space rather than free solution must not concern us here). Yet, necessarily, there red-cell membrane. In point fact, too volume cell. Human can swell by 50 per cent (increasing their water content 70 cent) before reaching sphere having surface original disc. Since water-permeable bags filled with 5 mM protein will and eventually burst colloid-osmotic lysis, keeping out vital On aging circulation, do but become even further dehydrated (and therefore heavier). Lew Bookchin (1986) offer an astute explanation this all self-evident fact.