摘要: Detectors used for radioisotope imaging have, historically, been based on scintillating crystal/photomultiplier combinations in various forms. From the rectilinear scanner through to modern gamma cameras and positron cameras, basic technology has remained much same. Efforts overcome limitations of this form have foundered inability reproduce required sensitivity, spatial resolution sensitive area at acceptable cost. Multiwire proportional chambers (MWPCs) long as position-sensitive charged particle detectors nuclear high-energy physics. MWPCs are large-area gas-filled ionisation which large arrays fine wires measure position produced gas by passage particles. The important properties high-spatial-resolution, large-area, high-count-rate performance low For research applications, several metres square built small-area a 0.4 mm count rate million per second. Modification is medicine imaging. As rays or X-rays cannot be detected directly, they must converted into photo- Compton scatter electrons. Photon-electron conversion requires use high atomic number materials body chamber. Pressurised xenon most useful “gas only” photon-electron convertor successfully camera detection energies below 100 keV This developed specifically highcount-rate first-pass cardiac high-pressure MWPC key highly competitive system can outperform scintillator-based systems. close counts second intrinsic better than best camera. produces quantitative ejection fraction information highest quality. higher energy proved more problematical, needing solid incorporated Several groups working problem with modest success so far. only clinical emission tomography, where thin lead lead-glass provide an 511 photons. Two evaluated clinically one now routine oncology. problems efficiency not solved these although reliability PET proven. latest development involves hybrid crystals barium fluoride viewed filled photosensitive gas. scintillator combined good previous MWPC-based cameras. first using under expected perform least well multicrystal but