摘要: OBJECTIVE: This study explored the relationship of specific symptoms borderline personality disorder to dimensions severity sexual abuse experiences in childhood. METHOD: A group 41 patients with who retrospectively reported a childhood history on Familial Experiences Interview were studied. Six items from Diagnostic for Borderline Patients (DIB) chosen basis their univariate (chi-square) association scale that was developed by authors and research team. These six DIB each modeled logistic regression. Predictor variables most severe experience within three abuse: 1) perpetrator (sexual parent), 2) duration ongoing), 3) type involved penetration). RESULTS: The dimension frequently found be significant predictor sum as well total scaled score dimension. Ongoing predicted parasuicidal behavior well. CONCLUSIONS: may strong determinant aspects disordered interpersonal functioning disorder. expectation world is an empty, malevolent place have some its roots repetition malevolence among manifest itself psychotherapy through regressive distancing behavior. Language: en