作者: Junko Hashimoto , Taku Watanabe , Tatsuya Seki , Satoshi Karasawa , Miho Izumikawa
摘要: Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play key roles in all cellular processes and hence are useful as potential targets for new drug development. To facilitate the screening of PPI inhibitors as anticancer drugs, the authors have developed a high-throughput screening (HTS) system using an in vitro protein fragment complementation assay (PCA) with monomeric Kusabira-Green fluorescent protein (mKG). The in vitro PCA system was established by the topological formation of a functional complex between 2 split inactive mKG fragments fused to target proteins, which fluoresces when 2 target proteins interact to allow complementation of the mKG fragments. Using this assay system, the authors screened inhibitors for TCF7/β-catenin, PAC1/PAC2, and PAC3 homodimer PPIs from 123,599 samples in their natural product library. Compound TB1 was identified as a specific inhibitor for PPI of PAC3 homodimer. TB1 strongly inhibited the PPI of PAC3 homodimer with an IC 50 value of 0.020 µM and did not inhibit PPI between TCF7/β-catenin and PAC1/PAC2 even at a concentration of 250 µM. The authors thus demonstrated that this in vitro PCA system applicable to HTS in a 1536-well format is capable of screening for PPI inhibitors from a huge natural product library. ( Journal of Biomolecular Screening 2009:970-979)