作者: Jane Worthington , Anne Barton , Sally L. John
摘要: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the most common form of chronic inflammatory polyarthritis, represents a significant health burden in developed world. The damage and deformity synovial joints characteristic RA commonly develops sixth decade but can occur at any age will usually require treatments interventions for rest an individual’s life [1]. It is diagnosed distinguished from other arthritic diseases on basis criteria defined 1987 [2]. are based factors such as presence autoantibody, rheumatoid factor, erosion visible upon x-ray, stiffness, swelling symmetry affected joints. Interestingly, with improved treatments, many patients display some these features only transiently would strictly speaking satisfy if they were applied cumulatively, has been proposed when used epidemiological studies [3] (Tab. 1). worldwide prevalence approximately 1% (prevalence number cases occurring population given time) consistently observed to affect women 2–3 times more frequently than men. occurrence not, however, same throughout world [4]. Prevalence rates low less rural parts it suggested that modern disease, its appearance seeming coincide industrialisation or urbanisation. A study South Africa found frequency among Bhantuspeaking people their traditional environment higher ethnic group living urban townships Soweto, similar fact Caucasians nearby Johannesburg [5, 6]. This apparent influence urbanisation was not however comparing Chinese those highly industrialised society Hong Kong. both populations studied. Other diet lower different genetic susceptibility, may explain apparently contradictory findings. In autoimmune conditions, notably multiple sclerosis, there appears be latitude related gradient