Introduction to Syndemics: A Critical Systems Approach to Public and Community Health

作者: Merrill Singer



摘要: Preface. The Author. Acknowledgments. PART ONE INTRODUCING KEY CONCEPTS IN SYNDEMICS. 1 LEARNING FROM LICHEN: RECONCEPTUALIZING HEALTH AND DISEASE. On Not Planting Cut Flowers: Weight of History. Germ Theory and the Biomedical Conception Disease. Revolutions in Realities. Problems with Postulates. Confronting Comorbidity. Toward Syndemic Reconceptualization. Local Knowledge. Connections: Human Nonhuman. Summary. Key Terms. Questions for Discussion. TWO SYNDEMIC CASES. 2 TRUCKING BETWEEN THE BAILIWICKS: MULTIDISCIPLINARITY, SAVA, SYNERGIES HEALTH. Why Multidisciplinarity. Term Syndemic. SAVA Among Victims Domestic Violence. MSM. Street Drug Users. Commercial Sex Workers. Public Health. 3 EXEMPLARS: CASE STUDIES. Syllables Biological Message. Varieties Microlevel Disease Interaction. Diversity. Renocardiac SARS-Chronic Asthma-Infl uenza Diabulimia 4 HIV/AIDS OTHER INFECTIONS: IMMUNE IMPARITY SYNDEMOGENESIS. Assessing Syndemics. Opportunistic Infections HIV/AIDS. Sexually Transmitted Hepatitis Tuberculosis Malaria VL Helminths 5 BEYOND CONTAGION: NONINFECTIOUS DISEASE An Aging Epidemic. Infectious Chronic Connections. Kidney HIV. Food Insuffi ciency Cardiovascular Diseases Emotional Cognitive Health Countersyndemics. THREE SOCIETY, HISTORY, ENVIRONMENT. 6 INEQUITY AS A COFACTOR: IMPACT OF SOCIAL DISPARITIES. Time Disparity. Making Social Biologizing Experience. Supersyndemics. Rights. 7 SYNDEMICS WORLDS THEY MADE. Before Now. Irish Famine 1741. Gibraltar Cholera 1865. Massachusetts Scarlet Fever 1800s. Global Influenza 1918. Syndemics Native Americans on American Frontier. Mormon Migration. War. 8 WORLD OUT BALANCE: EMERGENT REEMERGENT ECOSYNDEMICS. Emergent a Troubled World. From Infection to Reemergent Superinfection: Intragenus Iatrogenic Unintended Ecosyndemics Anthropocene. FOUR APPLICATIONS PERSPECTIVE. 9 PRACTICAL UTILITY: MOBILIZING MODEL PROMOTION TREATMENT Study Syndemics? Prevention. Medical Treatment Modeling Future GLOSSARY. REFERENCES. INDEX.
