作者: Tuomas E. Tahko
摘要: 1. Introduction Tuomas E. Tahko 2. What is metaphysics? Kit Fine 3. In defence of Aristotelian metaphysics 4. Existence and quantification reconsidered Tim Crane 5. Identity, quantification, number Eric T. Olson 6. Ontological categories Gary Rosenkrantz 7. Are any kinds ontologically fundamental? Alexander Bird 8. four two too many? John Heil 9. Categories: more Peter Simons 10. Neo-Aristotelianism substance Joshua Hoffman 11. Developmental potential Louis M. Guenin 12. The origin life the definition Storrs McCall 13. Essence, necessity explanation Kathrin Koslicki 14. No potency without actuality: case graph theory David S. Oderberg 15. A neo-Aristotelian ontology: neither relational nor constituent J. Lowe.