Innovative item formats in computer-based testing: In pursuit of improved construct representation

作者: Stephen G Sireci , April L Zenisky



摘要: Computer-based testing is revolutionizing how tests are assembled and delivered. One of the most exciting and promising aspects is the inclusion of new item formats, often called innovative item formats. These new formats are promising because they may help to address a long-standing criticism of standardized tests-namely, that the testing process is too artificial and does not measure knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) in a realistic way. Furthermore, innovative item formats available in computer-based testing have the potential to measure important attributes that are not measurable using traditional item formats. In this chapter, we review the potential advantages and disadvantages of innovative item formats within the framework of test score validity. We begin with a discussion of the limitations of traditional item formats. Next, we describe innovative computer-based item formats currently in use or proposed …
