摘要: This monograph is a guide to positive behavioral intervention and support (PBIS) and functional behavioral assessment (FBA) in the special education of students with behavior disorders as emphasized in the 1997 amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA 97). An introduction explains that positive behavioral support represents the integration of four key elements: a science of behavior, research-validated and practical interventions, attention to social values, and a systems approach. Individual chapters have the following titles and authors:(1)" Issues in Conducting Functional Assessments Efficiently and Effectively"(Glen Dunlap and Meme Hieneman);(2)" Developing Positive Behavioral Support Systems"(Robert H. Horner and George Sugai);(3)" School-Wide Application of Positive Behavioral Supports"(Ron Nelson and George Sugai);(4)" Effective Behavioral Supports in the Schools …