作者: Jae H Chung , Michael C McVay , Michael T Davidson , Amirata Taghavi , Nikhil Mishra
摘要: The present research investigated the effects that installation and removal of sheet pile walls (SPW) have on driven piles founded in granular soils. The efforts completed as part of the present study have involved both physical testing and numerical simulation of standardized laboratory tests on granular materials. Further, physical centrifuge tests have been conducted to provide benchmark measurements of soil stresses; changes in soil stresses during installation and/or removal of structural objects; and, pile skin-friction and end bearing forces across multiple SPW-soil-pile test scenarios. Also, numerical modeling efforts, simulation results, and comparisons between physical measurements taken from selected centrifuge tests and computed results from simulations of (1) Pile driving into sand; (2) SPW installation followed by pile driving into sand; and, (3) SPW installation, pile driving, and subsequent SPW removal have been done and are reported as Task 3.1 and Task 3.2. As Task 5 of this project, geometric parameters with regards to the complex pile-soil-sheet pile wall system were identified and rigorous parametric study has been performed. Two geometric parameters, namely, (1) relative horizontal offset distance between the pile and SPW and (2) ratio of SPW embedment depth to pile embedment length, are identified as the configurational factors controlling the effects of installation and subsequent removal of SPW on overall response of pile-soil-SPW foundation systems. Based on the results of a parametric study, design recommendations are made to be used by geotechnical and structural engineers to obtain a robust estimate of …