Applying Control-Value Theory for Examining Multiple Emotions in Second Language Classrooms: Validating the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Second Language Learning

作者: Kaiqi Shao , Kristina Stockinger , Reinhard Pekrun , Herbert W Marsh



摘要: This study used Pekrun’s (2006, 2018) control-value theory (CVT) as a framework to validate the Achievement Emotion Questionnaire-Second Language Learning (AEQ-L2L) for assessing eight student emotions in L2 learning. We tested and validated the instrument in two samples using three waves of data, with a total number of 1,021 Chinese university students. Item and scale statistics indicate the AEQ-L2L is reliable. Moreover, single- and multi-group confirmatory factor analysis supported the hierarchical four-factor component structure of L2 emotions in and across the two student groups. Furthermore, multi-model comparison indicated that language emotions are best represented by considering both the distinctiveness of the eight examined emotions and their component structure. Finally, latent correlation analysis demonstrated the external validity of the AEQ-L2L in terms of linkages with appraisals, motivation and language achievement. Findings are discussed by highlighting the unique value of the AEQ-L2L for investigating a broad range of emotions in language education.
