K.P. Overmars , P.H. Verburg , L. Willemen , M.M. Bakker
New perspectives on agri-environmental policies; a multidisciplinary and transatlantic approach 109 -123
K.P. Overmars , G.H.J. de Koning , A. Veldkamp
Ecological Modelling 164 ( 2-3) 257 -270
P.H. Verburg , K.P. Overmars
Modelling Land-Use Change; Progress and applications 321 -337
WT de Groot , PH Verburg , KP Overmars , MGA Huigen
JPM Ros , KP Overmars , E Stehfest , AG Prins
PBL, Bilthoven
EPJ Boer , EMT Hendrix , DJ de Ridder , L Villacorte
Technical note/Wageningen University, Sub-department of Mathematics (99-08) 178 -180
KP Overmars , H van Zeijts
M van den Berg , S van der Esch , M Witmer , K Overmars
57 pp. -57 pp.
BS Elbersen , U Fritsche , H Eerens , K Overmars
Background report to EEA study. Malaga: ETCSIA
Koen Pieter Overmars
Leiden University
Peter H. Verburg , A. Veldkamp , W. Engelsman , R. Zalinge
Land use, nature conservation anf the stability of rainforest margins in southeast Asia 475 -494
Bustanul Arifin ,
Crossing Boundaries, the Seventh Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property 10 -14