Autobandenslijtstof: een verwaarloosde bron van microplastics?

A.J. Löhr , A.M.J. Ragas , Pieter Jan Kole
Milieu : Opinieblad van de Vereniging van Milieuprofessionals (Vvm) 2015 ( 5) 39 -41

Nutrient cycling in a controlled reduced tide (CRT)

C. Kroeze , H. Haegens , T. Maris , A.J. Löhr
Book of abstracts – VLIZ Special Publication, 15 February 2013, Brugge, Belgium 63 51 -51

De wereld activeren via een mooc

A.J. Löhr
OnderwijsInnovatie 1 27 -29

Microplastics in de Belgische Noordzee : Een sluipend gevaar voor de mariene fauna en ecosystemen?

A.J. Löhr , Nils Schnitzler , F.G.A.J. Van Belleghem
Natuur.focus 15 ( 2) 67 -73

Kom in actie tegen het plastic uit de zee

A.J. Löhr
National Geographic

Wear and Tear of Tyres: A Stealthy Source of Microplastics in the Environment.

Pieter Jan Kole , Ansje J. Löhr , Frank Van Belleghem , Ad Ragas
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14 ( 10) 1265

Unraveling the causes of the toxicity of extremely acid waters of volcanic origin.

Ansje J. Löhr , Thijs De Kort , Nico M. Van Straalen , Cornelis A.M. Van Gestel
Environment International 33 ( 6) 743 -749

Macroinvertebrate and algal communities in an extremely acidic river and the Kawah Ijen crater lake (pH < 0.3), Indonesia.

Ansje J. Löhr , Rutger Sluik , Mary M. Olaveson , Núria Ivorra
Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie 165 ( 1) 1 -21

Spatial and temporal variability of nutrient retention in river basins: A global inventory

Daisy J.J. Tysmans , Ansje J. Löhr , Carolien Kroeze , Wilfried P.M.F. Ivens
Ecological Indicators 34 607 -615

Leaf decomposition in an extremely acidic river of volcanic origin in Indonesia.

Ansje J. Löhr , Jinze Noordijk , Kelik Lrianto , Cornelis A. M. Van Gestel
Hydrobiologia 560 ( 1) 51 -61

Coastal eutrophication in Europe caused by production of energy crops.

Jikke van Wijnen , Wilfried P.M.F. Ivens , Carolien Kroeze , Ansje J. Löhr
Science of The Total Environment 511 101 -111

Microplastics in coastal areas and seafood: implications for food safety

Inneke Hantoro , Ansje J. Löhr , Frank G. A. J. Van Belleghem , Budi Widianarko
Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment 36 ( 5) 674 -711

Microbial communities in the world's largest acidic volcanic lake, Kawah Ijen in Indonesia, and in the Banyupahit river originating from it.

Ansje J. Löhr , Anniet M. Laverman , Martin Braster , Nico M. van Straalen
Microbial Ecology 52 ( 4) 609 -618

Future scenarios for N2O emissions from biodiesel production in Europe

Jikke van Wijnen , Carolien Kroeze , Wilfried P. M. F. Ivens , Ansje J. Löhr
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 12 17 -30

Worldwide impact of the Massive Open Online Course on Marine Litter

AJ Löhr , Valerie Broers , Bernardo Tabuenca , Heidi Savelli-Soderberg
7th International Marine Debris Conference

Microplastics in coastal areas and seafood: implications for food safety I Hantoro, AJ Löhr, FGAJ Van Belleghem, B Widianarko, AMJ Ragas

AJ Löhr , Inneke Hantoro , FGAJ Van Belleghem , Budi Widianarko
Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure& Risk Assessment 36 ( 5) 674 -711

Quantifying tire wear emissions for entire life cycle, using supply chain management and Material Flow Analysis

S Hoeke , A Ragas , HR Krikke , AJ Löhr
SETAC Europe 32nd annual meeting

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Tire Wear Using a Supply Chain Approach

S Hoeke , A Ragas , HR Krikke , J van Wijnen
SETAC Europe 32nd annual meeting 524 -525