Vera A. Dmitrieva , Victor A. Kovda , Nicholas Polunin , Yakob A. Pachepsky
Environmental Conservation 18 ( 03) 197 -197
A N Kravchenko , Y A Pachepsky
G. Jozefaciuk , Z. Sokolowska , T.A. Polubesova , Y.A. Pachepsky
International Agrophysics 11 ( 3) 189 -198
J.D. Haskett , Y.A. Pachepsky , B. Acock
Global Warming International Center, Woodridge, IL (United States)
Y.A. Pachepsky , V.R. Reddy
Global Warming International Center, Woodridge, IL (United States)
W.L. Stout , Y.A. Pachepsky , D.R. Shelton , A.M. Sadeghi
Letters in Applied Microbiology 41 ( 3) 230 -234
A.K. Guber , J.S. Karns , Y.A. Pachepsky , A.M. Sadeghi
Letters in Applied Microbiology 44 ( 2) 161 -167
Y.A. Pachepsky , W.J. Rawls , H.S. Lin
Geoderma 131 ( 3-4) 308 -316
Z.Z. Hadzick , A.K. Guber , Y.A. Pachepsky , R.L. Hill
Geoderma 164 195 -202
M.D. Stocker , Y.A. Pachepsky , R.L. Hill , K.G. Sellner
Science of The Total Environment 670 732 -740
Y.A. Pachepsky , R.A. Blaustein , G. Whelan , D.R. Shelton
Letters in Applied Microbiology 59 ( 3) 278 -283
F. San Jose Martinez , Y.A. Pachepsky , W.J. Rawls
Advances in Engineering Software 41 ( 1) 4 -8
J.S. Van Kessel , Y.A. Pachepsky , D.R. Shelton , J.S. Karns
Journal of Applied Microbiology 103 ( 4) 1122 -1127
M.Y. Kouznetsov , R. Roodsari , Y.A. Pachepsky , D.R. Shelton
Journal of Environmental Management 84 ( 3) 336 -346
D.R. Shelton , L.A. Kiefer , Y.A. Pachepsky , G. Martinez
Agricultural Water Management 129 145 -151
R.A. Blaustein , Thanh H. Dao , Y.A. Pachepsky , D.R. Shelton
Journal of Environmental Management 192 309 -318
Y.A. Pachepsky , A. Garzio Hadzick , D.R. Shelton , Z.Z. Hadzick
International Journal of Environment and Pollution 46 234
Y.A. Pachepsky , W.J. Rawls
European Journal of Soil Science 54 ( 3) 443 -452
W.J. Rawls , Y.A. Pachepsky , J.C. Ritchie , T.M. Sobecki
Geoderma 116 ( 1-2) 61 -76
L.B. Faucette , F.A. Cardoso-Gendreau , E. Codling , A.M. Sadeghi
Journal of Environmental Quality 38 ( 3) 1233 -1239