Aaron Gember , Prathmesh Prabhu , Zainab Ghadiyali , Aditya Akella
hot topics in networks 7 -12
Aditya Akella , Shuchi Chawla , Srini Seshan
Defense Technical Information Center
Aditya Akella , Ashwin Bharambe , Suman Nath , Srinivasan Seshan
Defense Technical Information Center
Aditya Akella
IEEE Internet Computing 19 ( 5) 77 -81
Ashok Anand , Mehrdad Reshadi , Bowei Du , Hariharan Kolam
international conference on multimedia and expo 1 -6
Yanfang Le , Brent Stephens , Arjun Singhvi , Aditya Akella
symposium on cloud computing 225 -236
Shan-Hsiang Shen , Aaron Gember , Ashok Anand , Aditya Akella
Proceedings of the 17th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking - MobiCom '11 217 -228
Athula Balachandran , Vyas Sekar , Aditya Akella , Srinivasan Seshan
internet measurement conference 43 -56
Keqiang He , Alexis Fisher , Liang Wang , Aaron Gember
internet measurement conference 177 -190
Aditya Akella
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 46 ( 3) 1
Holly Esquivel , Aditya Akella , Tatsuya Mori
2010 Second International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworks (COMSNETS 2010) 40 -49
Aditya Akella , Pratap Ramamurthy , Almir Mutapcic
2010 Second International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworks (COMSNETS 2010) 30 -39
Archit Gupta , Pavan Kuppili , Aditya Akella , Paul Barford
communication systems and networks 356 -365
Holly Esquivel , Chitra Muthukrishnan , Aditya Akella , Shuchi Chawla
communication systems and networks 1 -10
Theophilus Benson , Aditya Akella , Aman Shaikh
acm special interest group on data communication 41 ( 4) 302 -313
Martin Casado , Pei Cao , Aditya Akella , Niels Provos
international workshop on quality of service 286 -287
Arjun Singhvi , Aditya Akella , Dan Gibson , Thomas F. Wenisch
acm special interest group on data communication 708 -721
Anubhavnidhi Abhashkumar , Aaron Gember-Jacobson , Aditya Akella
conference on emerging network experiment and technology 482 -495
Jay Aikat , Aditya Akella , Jeffrey S. Chase , Ari Juels
ieee symposium on security and privacy 15 ( 3) 60 -69
Yanfang Le , Hyunseok Chang , Sarit Mukherjee , Limin Wang
symposium on cloud computing 506 -519