Charlotte Demott , Cristiana Stan , David Randall
EGUGA 1966
James Pfaendtner , Joel Susskind , Robert Atlas , Wayman Baker
David Randall
Rachel McCrary , Cristiana Stan , David Randall , Boulder Colorado
David Randall
David Randall
98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Rachel McCrary , Cristiana Stan , David Randall
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
David Randall , Chris Eldred
EGUGA 16611
Michelle Mak , Karren D Beattie , Albert Basta , David Randall
Pest Management Science 77 ( 1) 492 -501
Chenchen Zhao , Yuanyuan Wang , Kai Xun Chan , D Blaine Marchant
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 ( 11) 5015 -5020
A. Scott Denning , Inez Y. Fung , David Randall
Nature 376 ( 6537) 240 -243
Maurice Blackmon , Byron Boville , Frank Bryan , Robert Dickinson
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 82 ( 11) 2357 -2376
David Randall , Judith Curry , David Battisti , Gregory Flato
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 79 ( 2) 197 -219
Don Pazaratz , David Randall , John F. Spekkens , Alina Lazor
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth 17 ( 1) 31 -48
Joon‐Hee Jung , Celal S. Konor , David Randall
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 ( 3) 560 -577
David Randall , Charlotte DeMott , Cristiana Stan , Marat Khairoutdinov
Meteorological Monographs 56 ( 1)
David Randall , Marat Khairoutdinov , Akio Arakawa , Wojciech Grabowski
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 84 ( 11) 1547 -1564
David Randall , Mark Branson , Minghuai Wang , Steven Ghan
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 94 ( 25) 221 -222
David Randall , Ross Heikes , Celal Konor