Dániel András Drexler , , Tamás Ferenci , Anna Lovrics
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 16 ( 10) 31 -44
Dániel András Drexler , Johanna Sápi , Levente Kovács
Complexity 2017 5985031
Johanna Sápi , Dániel A. Drexler , István Harmati , Zoltán Sápi
Optimal Control Applications & Methods 37 ( 5) 848 -866
Levente Kovács , Zoltán Benyó , Adalbert Kovács , Balázs Benyó
Computational Intelligence in Engineering 75 -86
Béla Paláncz , Levente Kovács , Balázs Benyó , Zoltán Benyó
IGI Global 1210 -1219
Levente Kovács
IWPACBB 40 -44
György Eigner , István Böjthe , Alajos Mészáros , Levente Kovács
Smpte Journal 000363 -000368
Levente Kovács , Gábor Kertész
Smpte Journal 000437 -000442
Milad Mousavi , Mahsa Dehghan Manshadi , Madjid Soltani , Farshad M Kashkooli
Computers in biology and medicine 146 105511
Imre J Rudas , Stanislav Kmet , Anton Čižmár , Levente Kovács
Zsombor Zrubka , Gábor Kertész , László Gulácsi , János Czere
Journal of Medical Internet Research 26 e47430 -e47430
CL Philip Chen , Valerie Novitzká , Mikuláš Alexík , Miklós Bartha
Radu-Emil Precup , Tamás Haidegger , Levente Kovács
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 1 ( 1) 61 -76
Tamás Haidegger , Levente Kovács , Stefan Preitl , Radu-Emil Precup
Scientific Bulletin of the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science 55 ( 69) 223 -232
Tamás Haidegger , Varga Hunor , Radu-Emil Precup , Levente Kovács
Sapientia Kiadó
Imre J Rudas , Mihály Réger , Ioan Dumitrache , Florin-Gheorghe Filip
Daotong Zhang , Peng Shi , Ramesh K Agarwal , Levente Kovács
IEEE Systems Journal
György Eigner , József Tar , I J Rudas , Levente Kovács
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 13 ( 1) 171 -190
Máté Siket , Kamilla Novák , Hemza Redjimi , József Tar
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 ( 15) 293 -298
György Eigner , J Tar , Levente Kovács
Scientific Bulletin of Politechnica University of Timisoara Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science 60 74 -74