Dong-u Lee , Ray Cheung , John Villasenor , Wayne Luk
field-programmable technology 33 -40
John Villasenor , Dong-U Lee , Hyungjin Kim
Center for Embedded Network Sensing
David Zats , Rafael Laufer , Jeff Mascia , Sameera Poduri
Center for Embedded Network Sensing
Peter Y. K. Cheung , Wayne Luk , Dong-U Lee , John Villaseno
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 796 -807
John Villasenor , Dong-U Lee , Hyungjin Kim , Steve Tu
John Villasenor , D Estrin , Dong-U Lee , Mohammed Rahimi
Philip Leong , Guanglie Zhang , Dong-U Lee , Wayne Luk
Journal of Statistical Software 12 ( 1) 1 -4
Alireza Zolfaghari , Mohamed El Said , Michael Youssef , Gang Zhang
symposium on vlsi circuits
Ray C. C. Cheung , Dong-U Lee , Oskar Mencer , Wayne Luk
compilers, architecture, and synthesis for embedded systems 22 -31
Lok-Won Kim , Dong-U Lee , John Villasenor
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems 20 ( 2) 28
Dong-U Lee , Oskar Mencer , David J. Pearce , Wayne Luk
field-programmable logic and applications 364 -373
Dong-U Lee , John D. Villasenor
IEEE Transactions on Computers 56 ( 4) 567 -571
Dong-U Lee , Ray Cheung , Wayne Luk , John Villasenor
IEEE Transactions on Computers 57 ( 5) 686 -701
Dong-U Lee , Hyungjin Kim , Steven Tu , Mohammad Rahimi
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Information processing in sensor networks - IPSN '07 216 -225
Dong-U Lee , Altaf Abdul Gaffar , Oskar Mencer , Wayne Luk
Proceedings of the 42nd annual conference on Design automation - DAC '05 837 -840
Dong-U Lee , Ray C. C. Cheung , John D. Villasenor
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems 15 ( 4) 474 -478
Dong-U Lee , Hyungjin Kim , Christopher Jones , John Villasenor
IEEE Communications Letters 11 ( 8) 683 -685
Dong-U Lee , Altaf Abdul Gaffar , Oskar Mencer , Wayne Luk
Smpte Journal 837 -840
Dong-U Lee , Ray CC Cheung , Wayne Luk , John D Villasenor
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 17 ( 1) 103 -116
Dong-U Lee , Wayne Luk , John D Villasenor , Peter YK Cheung
Springer US 301 -313