A.M. Tulino , A. lozano , S. Verdu
international conference on communications 1 683 -687
Diaz-Vilor , Carles and Lozano , Angel and Jafarkhani , Hamid
Smpte Journal 1 -6
CTTC Mischa Dohler , Robert W Heath Jr , UPF Angel Lozano , Constantinos B Papadias
Carles Diaz-Vilor , Angel Lozano Solsona , Hamid Jafarkhani
2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM): proceedings; 2021 Dec 7-11; Madrid, Spain.[Piscataway]: IEEE; 2021.[6 p.].
Angel Lozano Solsona , Nihar Jindal
IEEE Commun. Mag. 2012; 50 (11): 210-217.
Angel Lozano Solsona , Antonia M Tulino , Sergio Verdu
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2005; 51 (12): 4134-51
Angel Lozano Solsona
WSA 2021: 25th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas; 2021 Nov 10-12; French Riviera, France.[Berlin]: VDE;[2021?]. p. 335-40.
Juan Manuel Rius Casals , Angel Lozano Solsona , Ángel Cardama Aznar , Lluís Jofre Roca
Joao Barros , Christina Fragouli , J Garcia , Angel Lozano Solsona
Giuseppa Alfano , ANTONIA M Tulino , ANGEL Lozano , Sergio Verdu
2006 International Zurich Seminar on Communications 18 -21
Auerback Publications
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Angel Lozano
Wireless internet handbook 335 -350
Nihar Jindal , Angel Lozano
european wireless conference 725 -732
Kien T. Truong , Angel Lozano , Robert W. Heath
european wireless conference 1 -6
Mischa Dohler , Vanesa Daza , Angel Lozano , Tzeta Tsao
RFC 7416 1 -40
Ezio Biglieri , Nabil Alrajeh , Angel Lozano , Bouchaïb Bounabat
wireless mobile communication and healthcare
Angel Lozano
Encyclopedia of Wireless and Mobile Communications
Nihar Jindal , Angel Lozano
International Zurich Seminar on Communications - Proceedings
Martin Haenggi , Angel Lozano , Geordie George , Ratheesh K. Mungara
arXiv: Information Theory