Uneasy endings: pasts and futures of nuclear infrastructures in France and Austria

Pierre Delvenne , Martin Denoun , Céline Parotte
Nordic STS Conference

The past and future of Arie Rip

Pierre Delvenne
WTMC Celebration in honour of Arie Rip

A deeper sense of urgency: a plea for responsible exnovation

Pierre Delvenne , Sarah Delvaux , Céline Parotte
Workshop RRI in/under urgency

Maintaining value in storage infrastructures: the politics and multiple economic paths of diminished things

Pierre Delvenne , Hadrien Macq , Céline Parotte
2022 ESOCITE/4S Joint Meeting

Disembodied Self: Staging the Trouble Through Careful Bodily Engagements

Pierre Delvenne
European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)

Politics and socio-technical change in environmental governance

Céline Parotte , Pierre Delvenne
University of Vienna [Department of Science and Technology Studies], Vienna, Austria

Belgian grey literature related to transitions and change in labor market. WP4 LAMARTRA project

Sarah Delvaux , Céline Parotte , Vincent Calay , Pierre Delvenne
ULiège, Liège, Belgium

Décider en temps d’incertitude et de crise

Pierre Delvenne
Congrès résilience-anticiper et s' adapter pour notre futur

Sorting cells out: an inquiry into the circulation and valuation of cord blood units

Pierre Delvenne , Hadrien Macq , Céline Parotte
Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting

The politics of the circulation and valuation of human body material in Belgium

Pierre Delvenne , Hadrien Macq , Céline Parotte
Interpretive Policy Analysis Annual Conference

Moving cells to the market: an inquiry into the circulation and valuation of stem cells

Pierre Delvenne , Kim Hendrickx , Céline Parotte
8th STS Italia Conference-Dis/Entangling Technoscience

Méthodologie qualitative en sciences politiques

Céline Parotte , Catherine Fallon , Pierre Delvenne , Jean-Baptiste Fanouillere
ULiège-Université de Liège, Belgium

Building a Hybrid Forum to bridge low-carbon and labour market transitions. WP4-LAMARTRA project

Sarah Delvaux , Céline Parotte , Vincent Calay , Pierre Delvenne
ULiège, Liège, Belgium

Special Section on Participatory Innovation

Pierre Delvenne , Céline Parotte , Hadrien Macq
Science as Culture 30 ( 2)

Power and Normativity in European Technology Assessment Collaborations: from Institutional to Knowledge Deficit

Pierre Delvenne
Lunch seminar of the Munich Center for Technology in Society