The co-production of genetically modified soy and Argentina

Pierre Delvenne
Harvard University, Life Sciences working group, Program on Science, Technology & Society

Flanders Ahead... Wallonia Behind (But Catching Up). The Identity Politics of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Belgium

Michiel Van Oudheusden , Nathan Charlier , Benedikt Rosskamp , Pierre Delvenne
Conference" Belgium: The State of the Federation"

Le voyage politique du Technology Assessment

Pierre Delvenne
Classe Technologie et Société de l’Académie Royale de la Science, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique

Variegated Technology Assessment: mapping the interplay of policy paradigms in Wallonia and Flanders

Pierre Delvenne
Red de Estudios Sociales de Ciencia y Tecnología—Spanish STS network

Bringing the normative content into participatory technology assessment

Federica Lucivero , Pierre Delvenne , Michiel Van Oudheusden
2013 PACITA Conference Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions

Mapping the interplay of policy paradigms and technology assessment in Flanders and Wallonia (Belgium)

Michiel Van Oudheusden , Nathan Charlier , Benedikt Rosskamp , Pierre Delvenne
2013 PACITA Conference Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions

New Insights into Parliamentary Technology Assessment Challenged by Reflexive Modernization

Pierre Delvenne
3rd Winter School on Technology Assessment, PhD Programme of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa

A soja-ização da Argentina: dinâmica de um regime de privatização" globalizado" num contexto periférico

Pierre Delvenne
Séminaire de recherche de l'Instituto de Pesquisa em Riscos e Sustentabilidade, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Perpectives for Technology Assessment in Wallonia: a" Country" Case Study

Pierre Delvenne , Benedikt Rosskamp
International workshop on" Expanding the Technology Assessment Landscape", Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Pratiques du Technology Assessment en Europe et perspectives pour la Wallonie

Pierre Delvenne , Benedikt Rosskamp
AG du Conseil de la Politique Scientifique

Bioeconomía de la semilla: fitomejoradores de soja transgénica en la Argentina

Pierre Delvenne , Ana Maria Vara , Federico Vasen
ESOCITE 2012-IX Jornada de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia en America latina

Introduction au projet PACITA et perspectives pour le Technology Assessment en Wallonie

Pierre Delvenne
Atelier thématique: Réflexions provocantes pour construire le Technology Assessment en Wallonie

Una mirada postcolonial sobre las biotecnologias agrarias en America Latina

Pierre Delvenne
Second Meeting of the Network for Social Studies of Science and Technology of the Spanish State

Parliamentary Technology Assessment Institutions Performing Reflexivity: an Overview of TAB and STOA

Pierre Delvenne
ITAS Kolloquium, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

A Science and Technology Studies Approach of (Nuclear) Technology Assessment

Pierre Delvenne
SCK-CEN Course on Exploring the Science, Politics and Ethics of Nuclear Technology Assessment

Ciência, Técnica e Sociedade

Alberto Cupani , Julia Guivant , Pierre Delvenne
UFSC/Programa de pós-graduação em sociologia política 11-20

Politics of biotechnology in Latin America: the RR soybean Argentina case study

Pierre Delvenne
3rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies