The Digitization of Belgian Justice according to the Bar Associations: Necessity or Opportunity

Christophe Dubois , Valérie Mansvelt , Pierre Delvenne
Droit et societe 103 555 -555

Performing commodification: The politics of silobolsa in Argentine soybean agriculture

Pierre Delvenne
ERC closed workshop: Good economics in the good economy

Toward a political economy of frictions in the global bioeconomy

Pierre Delvenne , Erik Aarden
Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation (CPERI) Annual Workshop

Débat: Faut-il éduquer au numérique?

Pierre-Yves Hurel , Najat Vallaud-Belkacem , Philippe Coulée , Pierre Delvenne
Liège Tendances Numériques

Imaginarios de innovación que viajan: Nuevas practicas experimentales de co-creación en Wallonia (Bélgica)

Pierre Delvenne , Hadrien Macq
XII Jornadas Latinoamericanas de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnnología

Participation as a lab and a democratic experiment

Pierre Delvenne , Hadrien Macq , Céline Parotte
Science and Democracy Network 17th Annual Workshop

Temporary decommodification? Sorting things out in the capitalist value chain of soy in Argentina

Pierre Delvenne
Making Science, Technology and Society Together (EASST Biannual Meeting)

Conjuring bioeconomies through frictions

Pierre Delvenne
Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting

(Re) making bioeconomic past and futures

Pierre Delvenne
Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation (CPERI) Annual Workshop

Quels futurs pour la fabrication de pièces métalliques?

Anne Habraken , Pierre Delvenne , Catherine Elsen
Cours-conférences du Collège Belgique à Liège/LIEGE CREATIVE

Co-producing sociotechnical solutions in difficult times: the art of governing nuclear wastes in France

Céline Parotte , Pierre Delvenne
Science and Democracy Network 16th Annual Meeting Program

The Technology Assessment Agenda in Europe: From Institutional to Knowledge Deficit

Pierre Delvenne , Benedikt Rosskamp
Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting

Technology Assessment and Responsible Research and Innovation as Dancing Partners

Pierre Delvenne
3rd European Technology Assessment Conference

Le futur du travail ā l'čre digitale

Pierre Delvenne
Grande conférence verviétoise

Fast and not furious: an inquiry into the current low-risk/high-gain configuration of public participation

Benedikt Rosskamp , Pierre Delvenne , Nathan Charlier , Hadrien Macq
The Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation Producing and experimenting with publics in new political economies. 4th annual conference

The rise of epistemic knowledge of farmers. Shifting roles in agricultural production in Argentina

Pierre Delvenne
Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation (CPERI) Annual Workshop

Emerging Hybridities under Networked Agribusiness in Argentina

Pierre Delvenne
Science and Democracy Network (SDN) Annual Meeting