Objectives and Intended Users

S. MCCallum , G.R. Biesbroek , S. Isoard , A. Prutsch
National adaptation policy processes in European countries - 2014 12 -12

Setting the scene for public intervention on adaptation

S. MCCallum , G.R. Biesbroek , S. Isoard , A. Prutsch
National adaptation policy processes in European countries - 2014 17 -21

Future directions for national adaptation policies in Europe

S. MCCallum , G.R. Biesbroek , S. Isoard , M. Hildén
National adaptation policy processes in European countries - 2014 112 -114

Framing en agenda dynamiek van klimaatadaptatie. Chapter for the online learning module

A.R.P.J. Dewulf , G.E. Breeman , G.R. Biesbroek
'The development of local climate change adaptation strategies', Open University and the Knowledge for Climate program 12

The adoption and diffusion of climate change adaptation policy in Europe

D. Huitema , A. Jordan , E. Massey , G.R. Biesbroek
Knowledge for Climate Programme

Klimaatadaptatie als bestuurlijke opgave. Chapter for the online learning module

G.R. Biesbroek
'The development of local climate change adaptation strategies'. Open University and the Knowledge for Climate program

Increasing the smallholder farmers’ adaptive capacities to climate change through social learning interventions in Central Vietnam

A.E.J. Wals , T.H.P. Le , Le S. Thi Hoa , G.R. Biesbroek
Proceedings of the Education and Research in Southeast Asia for Climate Change Response 76 -76

The nine lives of uncertainty in decision-making about complex governance issues

A.R.P.J. Dewulf , G.R. Biesbroek
3rd International Conference on Public Policy

Assessing adaptation progress at the global level: conceptual and methodological issues

Alexandra Lesnikowski , James D Ford , Lea Berrang-Ford , GR Biesbroek
The adaptation gap report

Intertwinement of spatial and water policy in European regions: dealing with the risk of flooding

G.R. Biesbroek , W. van der Knaap
Planning for the Risk Society. Dealing with Uncertainty, Challenging the Future. Abstracts 40 -40

Towards the assessment of adaptation progress at the global level

James D. Ford , Frances M. Wang , G.R. Biesbroek , Lea Berrang-Ford
The adaptation gap report: towards global assessment 34 -47

Assessing stakeholder needs for adaptation tracking

Frances M Wang , James D Ford , Alexandra C Lesnikowski , Chen Chen
Adaptation Metrics

Governance strategieën voor waterbeleid : Historische trends en vooruitblik

A.R.P.J. Dewulf , C.J.A.M. Termeer , W.D. Pot , G.R. Biesbroek
Wageningen University

What makes long-term investment decisions forward looking: A framework applied to the case of Amsterdam's new sea lock

W.D. Pot , A. Dewulf , G.R. Biesbroek , M.J. van der Vlist
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 132 174 -190

Knelpunten in wettelijke kaders en beleid voor klimaatadaptatie in het Waddengebied

J.E.M. Klostermann , G.R. Biesbroek , M.E.A. Broekmeyer
Alterra, Wageningen-UR