S. MCCallum , G.R. Biesbroek , S. Isoard , A. Prutsch
National adaptation policy processes in European countries - 2014 12 -12
S. MCCallum , G.R. Biesbroek , S. Isoard , A. Prutsch
National adaptation policy processes in European countries - 2014 17 -21
S. MCCallum , G.R. Biesbroek , S. Isoard , M. Hildén
National adaptation policy processes in European countries - 2014 112 -114
G.R. Biesbroek , J.E.M. Klostermann , M.E.A. Broekmeyer
A.R.P.J. Dewulf , G.E. Breeman , G.R. Biesbroek
'The development of local climate change adaptation strategies', Open University and the Knowledge for Climate program 12
D. Huitema , A. Jordan , E. Massey , G.R. Biesbroek
Knowledge for Climate Programme
J.J.L. Candel , G.R. Biesbroek
G.R. Biesbroek
'The development of local climate change adaptation strategies'. Open University and the Knowledge for Climate program
A.E.J. Wals , T.H.P. Le , Le S. Thi Hoa , G.R. Biesbroek
Proceedings of the Education and Research in Southeast Asia for Climate Change Response 76 -76
A.R.P.J. Dewulf , G.R. Biesbroek
3rd International Conference on Public Policy
Alexandra Lesnikowski , James D Ford , Lea Berrang-Ford , GR Biesbroek
The adaptation gap report
J.E.M. Klostermann , C.J.A.M. Termeer , G.R. Biesbroek , P. Kabat
G.R. Biesbroek , W. van der Knaap
Planning for the Risk Society. Dealing with Uncertainty, Challenging the Future. Abstracts 40 -40
James D. Ford , Frances M. Wang , G.R. Biesbroek , Lea Berrang-Ford
The adaptation gap report: towards global assessment 34 -47
J.E.M. Klostermann , C.J.A.M. Termeer , G.R. Biesbroek , P. Kabat
Frances M Wang , James D Ford , Alexandra C Lesnikowski , Chen Chen
Adaptation Metrics
A.R.P.J. Dewulf , C.J.A.M. Termeer , W.D. Pot , G.R. Biesbroek
Wageningen University
W.D. Pot , A. Dewulf , G.R. Biesbroek , M.J. van der Vlist
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 132 174 -190
W.D. Pot , A. Dewulf , G.R. Biesbroek , S. Verweij
Land Use Policy 82 ( 82) 781 -795
J.E.M. Klostermann , G.R. Biesbroek , M.E.A. Broekmeyer
Alterra, Wageningen-UR