Claire Dupaquier , Laure-Elise Ruoso , Jean-Philippe Roussillon , Roelof Plant
Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection ( 208) 45 -50
Jade Herriman , Roelof Plant , Joanne Chong
Roel A. J. Plant , Bas A. M. Bouman
Journal of Environmental Quality 28 ( 3) 866 -872
Roel A. J. Plant
Global Change Biology 6 ( 6) 639 -653
Jane M. Blackmore , Roel A. J. Plant
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 134 ( 3) 224 -233
R.A.J. Plant
B.A.M. Bouman , R.A.J. Plant , A. Nieuwenhuyse
Ecological Modelling 120 ( 1) 31 -46
Erwin H Bulte , Bas AM Bouman , Roel AJ Plant , André Nieuwenhuyse
European Review of Agricultural Economics 27 ( 2) 207 -226
Roel AJ Plant
Biogeochemical Investigations at Watershed, Landscape, and Regional Scales: Refereed papers from BIOGEOMON, The Third International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior; Co-Sponsored by Villanova University and the Czech Geological Survey; held at Villanova University, Villanova Pennsylvania, USA, June 21–25, 1997 131 -141
Roel AJ Plant , Bas AM Bouman
J. Environ. Quality 28 ( 3)
Antonio M Alvarez , Eduardo G Fidalgo , Richard J Sexton , Mingxia Zhang
European Review of Agricultural Economics 27 ( 4) 541 -544
8th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE 2009): Transformation, Innovation and Adaptation for Sustainability
Roel Plant , Cécile Barnaud , Philip Roche
Editions Quæ 113 -130
Éric Barbe , Roel Plant , Jane Brennan , Pierre Maurel
Éditions Quæ
Laure-Elise Ruoso , Roel Plant
Ecosystems and People 17 ( 1) 6 -24
Roel Plant , Paul Ryan
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services & Management 9 ( 1) 44 -53
Roel Plant , Timothy Prior
International Journal of River Basin Management 12 ( 3) 219 -230
Stuart Pearson , A Jasmyn J Lynch , Roel Plant , Steve Cork
The Holocene 25 ( 2) 366 -378
B Davila , F. , Plant , R.
Environmental Conservation 48 ( 1) 16 -24
Laure-Elise Ruoso , Roel Plant
Journal of Urban Management 7 ( 2) 57 -69