Hadley Wickham , Dianne Cook , Heike Hofmann , Andreas Buja
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16 ( 6) 973 -979
Susan Vanderplas , Christian Röttger , Dianne Cook , Heike Hofmann
Stat 10 ( 1)
Eve Syrkin Wurtele , Ling Li , Dan Berleant , Dianne Cook
Springer, Dordrecht 145 -157
Anabelle Laurent , Xiaodan Lyu , Peter Kyveryga , David Makowski
Research Synthesis Methods 12 ( 1) 62 -73
Adalbert Wilhelm , Heike Hofmann
Physica, Heidelberg 499 -504
Heike Hofmann
Chance 20 ( 2) 26 -35
Lawrence Mosley , Dianne Cook , Heike Hofmann , Chris Kielion
Chance 23 ( 3) 4 -4
Andee Kaplan , Eric Hare , Heike Hofmann , Dianne Cook
Chance 27 ( 1) 20 -30
Eric Hare , Heike Hofmann , Alicia Carriquiry
Law, Probability and Risk 16 ( 4) 203 -221
Andreas Buja , Dianne Cook , Heike Hofmann , Michael Lawrence
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 367 ( 1906) 4361 -4383
Bryan Stanfill , Ulrike Genschel , Heike Hofmann
Technometrics 55 ( 4) 524 -535
Hadley Wickham , Heike Hofmann , Charlotte Wickham , Dianne Cook
Environmetrics 23 ( 5) 382 -393
Kiegan Rice , Ulrike Genschel , Heike Hofmann
Journal of Forensic Sciences 65 ( 3) 775 -783
Heike Hofmann
Metrika 51 ( 1) 11 -26
Heike Hofmann , Arno P. J. M. Siebes , Adalbert F. X. Wilhelm
knowledge discovery and data mining 227 -235
Heike Hofmann
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 43 ( 4) 565 -580
Adam Loy , Heike Hofmann , Dianne Cook
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 ( 3) 478 -492
Antony Unwin , George Hawkins , Heike Hofmann , Bernd Siegl
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 5 ( 2) 113 -122
Heike Hofmann , Hadley Wickham , Karen Kafadar
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 ( 3) 469 -477
Heike Hofmann , Susan VanderPlas
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 ( 4) 775 -778