Quantification of retinal thickness with biochemical parameters in sildenafil induced male rats.

Rajalakshmi Rai , Latha V Prabhu , Anu V Ranade , Hema Kini
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 4 ( 12) 2048 -2051

El Músculo Escaleno Accesorio

V Rajanigandha , Anu V Ranade , Mangala Pai , Rajalakshmi Rai
International Journal of Morphology 26 ( 2) 385 -388

Músculo Pectoralis Minimus Unilateral: Reporte de caso

Rajalakshmi Rai , Anu V Ranade , Latha V Prabhu , V Rajanigandha
International Journal of Morphology 26 ( 1) 27 -29

Study on evaluation of monosodium glutamate induced oxidative damge on renal tissue on adult Wistar rats.

NA Vinodini , AK Nayanatara , C Ramaswamy , Anu V Ranade
Journal of Chinese clinical medicine 5 ( 3)

Pharmacological inhibition of ER stress mitigates testicular pathology in hind‐limb unloaded mice

Anu V Ranade , Rizwan Qaisar , Amir A Khan , Asima Karim
The FASEB Journal 36

Martin-Gruber anastomoses in the forearm with an anomalous course: a case report and review of literature

Nada Ali Kadhum , Anu V Ranade ,
Gulf Medical University: Proceedings 29 88 -90

Morfometría de los pedículos vertebrales: un exhautivo estudio anatómico en la región lumbar

Latha V Prabhu , Rajanigandha Vadgaonkar , Mángala M Pai , Anu V Ranade
International Journal of Morphology 25 ( 2) 393 -406

Autophagy related markers (Beclin-1 and ATG4B) are strongly expressed in Wilms' tumor and correlate with favorable histology.

Maha Guimei , Mohamed Ahmed Eladl , Anu Vinod Ranade , Shaista Manzoor
Histology and Histopathology 34 ( 1) 47 -56

Role of Ascorbic Acid in Ameliorating Testicular Tissue Damage Induced by Testicular Torsion and Detorsion: An Animal Model Study

Anu Vinod Ranade , Yogesh Tripathi , CV Raghuveer , Rajalakshmi Rai
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 12 ( 4)

Multiple Variations of Extensor Muscles of Forearm in Relation to the Radial Nerve: a Case Report and Review

Rajalakshmi Rai , Anu Vinod Ranade , Latha V Prabhu , Mangala M Pai
International Journal of Morphology 26 ( 2) 447 -449

An additional radial wrist extensor and its clinical significance

Soubhagya R Nayak , SJ Madhan Kumar , Ashwin Krishnamurthy , Latha V Prabhu
Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger 189 ( 3) 283 -286

Palmar Type of Median Artery as a Source of Superficial Palmar Arch: A Cadaveric Study with its Clinical Significance

Soubhagya R Nayak , Ashwin Krishnamurthy , SJ Madhan Kumar , Latha V Prabhu
Hand 5 ( 1) 31 -36

Extensor carpi radialis brevis origin, nerve supply and its role in lateral epicondylitis

Soubhagya R Nayak , Lakshmi Ramanathan , Ashwin Krishnamurthy , Latha V Prabhu
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 32 ( 3) 207 -211

The Nasal Septum: An Osteometric Study of 16 Cadaver Specimens

Latha Venkatraya Prabhu , Anu Vinod Ranade , Rajalakshmi Rai , Mangala M Pai
Ear, Nose & Throat Journal 88 ( 8) 1052 -1056

Estrogen-induced hypomethylation and overexpression of YAP1 facilitate breast cancer cell growth and survival.

Jibran Sualeh Muhammad , Maha Guimei , Manju Nidagodu Jayakumar , Jasmin Shafarin
Neoplasia 23 ( 1) 68 -79

Anatomical variation of radial wrist extensor muscles: a study in cadavers

Soubhagya Ranjan Nayak , Ashwin Krishnamurthy , Latha Venkatraya Prabhu , Rajalakshmi Rai
Clinics 63 ( 1) 85 -90

Emerging role of caldesmon in cancer: A potential biomarker for colorectal cancer and other cancers

Alya R Alnuaimi , Vidhya A Nair , Lara J Bou Malhab , Eman Abu-Gharbieh
World journal of gastrointestinal oncology 14 ( 9) 1637 -1637

Entrapment of the Martin-Gruber branch of median nerve in the forearm

Anu Vinod Ranade , Bukkambudhi Virupakshamurthy Murlimanju , Rajalakshmi Rai , Mohamed Ahmed Eladl
Australasian Medical Journal 09 ( 07) 221 -223

Sharing Formative Exam Analysis Data with the Students Is a Useful Tool for Providing an Immediate Feedback During Learning

Mohamed Ahmed Eladl , Anu Vinod Ranade , Maha Mosheer Guimei ,
The FASEB Journal 32 506.10 -506.10