Zabih-Allah Torabi , Mohammad Reza Rezvani , C Michael Hall , Zaheer Allam
Technological forecasting and social change 193 122633 -122633
Zaheer Allam , Ayyoob Sharifi , Damien Giurco , Samantha A Sharpe
Sustainable Horizons 1 100006 -100006
Zaheer Allam , Ayyoob Sharifi , Damien Giurco , Samantha A Sharpe
A New Frontier for Green New Deals: Incorporating Ecosystem Approaches and the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Developing Economies
Ayyoob Sharifi , Amir Reza Khavarian-Garmsir , Zaheer Allam , Asad Asadzadeh
Progress in Planning 173 100740 -100740
Ayyoob Sharifi , Zaheer Allam , Simon Elias Bibri , Amir Reza Khavarian-Garmsir
Cities 146 104659 -104659
Ayyoob Sharifi , Zaheer Allam
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 49 ( 5) 1536 -1555
Zaheer Allam , Ayyoob Sharifi , Simon Elias Bibri , Didier Chabaud
Sustainability 14 ( 9) 5275 -5275
Yvette Baninla , Ayyoob Sharifi , Zaheer Allam , Tume John
Frontiers in Climate 209 -209
A Sharifi , Zaheer Allam
Deakin University
Zaheer Allam , David S Jones , Ayyoob Sharifi
Frontiers in Climate 4 918790 -918790
Zaheer Allam , Mark Nieuwenhuijsen , Didier Chabaud , Carlos Moreno
The Lancet Planetary Health 6 ( 3) e181 -e183
Zaheer Allam , Mark Nieuwenhuijsen , Zarrin Allam
Environmental research 252 ( Pt 2) 118929 -118929
Zaheer Allam , Mark Nieuwenhuijsen , Zarrin Allam
The Lancet Planetary Health 8 ( 6) e343 -e344
Zaheer Allam
Surveying the Covid-19 pandemic and its implications 1 -1
Zaheer Allam , Simon Elias Bibri , Didier Chabaud , Carlos Moreno
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9 ( 1) 1 -5
Zaheer Allam
New Design Ideas 2 ( 2) 124 -127
Zaheer Allam
Journal of Biourbanism 17 ( 1&2) 103 -121
Zaheer Allam , Zaheer Allam
Cities and the digital revolution: Aligning technology and humanity 1 -29
Zaheer Allam , Peter Newman
Zaheer Allam , Zaheer Allam
Cities and the digital revolution: Aligning technology and humanity 107 -124