Aromatase activity in some areas of rat foetus brain

AG Reznikow , IG Akmayev , OV Fidelina , OS Gorbatyuk
Neuro endocrinology letters 11 ( 4) 189 -193

The participation of the nontraditional neuromediator nitric oxide in the mechanisms of adaptation to extreme conditions

Adamskaia Ei , Gorbatiuk Os , Fidelina Ov , Akmaev Ig
Uspekhi fiziologicheskikh nauk 30 ( 2) 41

[Repeated exposure in hypergravity: morphology of locus coeruleus, hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and vagal nerve dorsal nucleus in rats].

Fidelina Ov , Krasnov Ib , Gorbatiuk Os , Vikhreva Ov
Aerospace and environmental medicine 34 ( 3) 21

Testosterone metabolism in discrete areas of the brain in rat fetuses

AG Reznikov , IG Akmaev , OF Fidelina , OS Gorbatiuk
Problemy e̊ndokrinologii 36 ( 3) 57 -61

[Structural and neurochemical characteristics of sex-dependent neurons of the brain transplanted to the anterior chamber of the eye].

Sergeev Vg , Akmaev Ig , Gorbatiuk Os
Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii meditsinskikh nauk / Rossiĭskaia akademiia meditsinskikh nauk ( 7) 12

Salivary Peptide Tyrosine–Tyrosine 3–36 Modulates Ingestive Behavior without Inducing Taste Aversion

M. D. Hurtado , V. G. Sergeyev , A. Acosta , M. Spegele
The Journal of Neuroscience 33 ( 47) 18368 -18380

Metabolism of testosterone in discrete regions of the brain of rat embryos.

AG Reznikov , IG Akmaev , OF Fidelina , OS Gorbatyuk
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology 21 ( 3) 259 -263

Reaction of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and the dorsal nucleus of the vagus of rats to change in the gravitational environment.

O. V. Fidelina , O. S. Gorbatyuk , I. B. Krasnov , I. G. Akmaev
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology 26 ( 5) 387 -391

Nitric oxide in paraventricular nuclei of rat hypothalamus under extreme conditions

O. V. Fidelina , O. S. Gorbatyuk , I. G. Akmaev
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 125 ( 3) 248 -250

Reactions of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus and dorsal motor nucleus of vagus of rats to changes of the gravitational environment

О. I. Fidelina , O. S. Gorbatyuk , I. B. Krasnov , I. G. Akmayev
Problems of Endocrinology 41 ( 6) 35 -38

Restoration of visual function in P23H rhodopsin transgenic rats by gene delivery of BiP/Grp78

M. S. Gorbatyuk , T. Knox , M. M. LaVail , O. S. Gorbatyuk
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 ( 13) 5961 -5966

The phosphorylation state of Ser-129 in human α-synuclein determines neurodegeneration in a rat model of Parkinson disease

O. S. Gorbatyuk , S. Li , L. F. Sullivan , W. Chen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 ( 2) 763 -768

Response of single cell populations of the paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei to carbohydrate loading and starvation in rats

O. S. Gorbatyuk , E. I. Goufman , A. A. Gusev , L. K. Starosel'tseva
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 108 ( 1) 1030 -1032

The Molecular Chaperone GRP78/BiP as a Therapeutic Target for Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Mini Review.

Marina S Gorbatyuk , Oleg S Gorbatyuk
Journal of Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy 4 ( 2) 1 -4

Glucose Regulated Protein 78 Diminishes α-Synuclein Neurotoxicity in a Rat Model of Parkinson Disease

Marina S Gorbatyuk , Arseniy Shabashvili , Weijun Chen , Craig Meyers
Molecular Therapy 20 ( 7) 1327 -1337

Nigrostriatal rAAV-mediated GDNF overexpression induces robust weight loss in a rat model of age-related obesity.

Fredric P Manfredsson , Nihal Tumer , Benedek Erdos , Tessa Landa
Molecular Therapy 17 ( 6) 980 -991

In Vivo RNAi-Mediated α-Synuclein Silencing Induces Nigrostriatal Degeneration

Oleg S Gorbatyuk , Shoudong Li , Kevin Nash , Marina Gorbatyuk
Molecular Therapy 18 ( 8) 1450 -1457