Alban Gillezeau , Chris Briggs , Shannon O'Keeffe , Jim Kitay
Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Teaching
Chris Briggs
Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Teaching
Chris Briggs
Workplace Research Centre (USyd)
Chris Briggs
Australian bulletin of labour 31 ( 1) 40 -43
Chris Briggs
Australian bulletin of labour 30 ( 2) 101 -112
Chris Briggs , Kathryn Heiler , Jim Nolan
Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Teaching
Chris Briggs
Australian bulletin of labour 32 ( 4) 345 -364
Chris Briggs
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 21 ( 3) 481 -502
John Buchanan , Iain Campbell , Ian Watson , Chris Briggs
Australian bulletin of labour 32 ( 2) 183 -201
Chris Briggs , Jonathan Prendergast , Finnian Murphy
Business Renewables Centre Australia
John Buchanan , Chris Briggs , Mark Cole
International journal of employment studies 10 ( 2) 1
Chris Briggs , Jay Rutovitz , Elsa Dominish , Kriti Nagrath
Institute for Sustainable Futures (UTS), Clean Energy Council
Chris Briggs , Franziska Mey
Global Compact Network Australia
Chris Briggs
Journal of Industrial Relations 49 ( 2) 167 -185
Chris Briggs , Gabrielle Meagher , Karen Healy
Journal of Industrial Relations 49 ( 4) 497 -521
John Buchanan , Damian Oliver , Chris Briggs
Journal of Industrial Relations 56 ( 2) 288 -307
Chris Briggs
Journal of Industrial Relations 43 ( 1) 27 -43
Chris Briggs
Comparative Political Studies 39 ( 7) 855 -879
Chris Briggs , Rae Cooper
Labour and industry: A journal of the social and economic relations of work 17 ( 2) 1 -23