Sebastiano Sabato , Gert Verschraegen , Bart Vanhercke
Research Papers in Economics
Sebastiano Sabato , Gert Verschraegen
Research Papers in Economics
Sebastiano Sabato , Gert Verschraegen
Research Papers in Economics
Sebastiano Sabato
Social Policies ( 2) 371 -386
David Natali , Sebastiano Sabato , Chiara Agostini , Valetina Lisi
European Trade Union Institute 1 -124
Sebastiano Sabato , Gert Verschraegen , Bart Vanhercke
Percorsi di secondo welfare
Sebastiano Sabato , Bart Vanhercke , Denis Bouget
Sebastiano Sabato
Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche ( 2) 221 -248
Sebastiano Sabato , Gert Verschraegen
Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche ( 1) 35 -66
M.E.A. Haffner , M.G. Elsinga , A.A.A. Marien , Rita Baeten
Andreas Novy , Sebastiano Sabato , Gert Verschraegen , Stijn Oosterlynck
Local Social Innovation to Combat Poverty and Exclusion 19 -42
Sebastiano Sabato , Dalila Ghailani , Bart Vanhercke
ETUI; Bruxelles 165 -186
Francesco Corti , Patrik Vesan , Sebastiano Sabato
Comparative European Politics 19 ( 3) 1 -19
Sebastiano Sabato , Bart Vanhercke , Gert Verschraegen
Innovation-the European Journal of Social Science Research 30 ( 2) 147 -167
Sebastiano Sabato , Bart Vanhercke
Social Science Research Network
Matteo Jessoula , Sebastiano Sabato , Chiara Agostini , Ilaria Madama
Work package 4
Denis Bouget , Hugh Frazer , Eric Marlier , Sebastiano Sabato
European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Sebastiano Sabato , Bart Vanhercke
Social policy in the European Union: state of play 73 -96
Slavina Spasova , Dalila Ghailani , Sebastiano Sabato , Stéphanie Coster
ETUI Research Paper-Report
Sebastiano Sabato , Dalila Ghailani , Ramón Peña-Casas , Slavina Spasova
European Economic and Social Committee